
I made the switch to a plant based diet recently, after carefully researching these very issues. The factory farms are literally factory "meat incubators", in which the animals are bred and raised in the most wretched conditions. Besides the torturous living conditions, the animals are forced to become cannibals, as the by-products that cannot be sold on the market are ground up and fed back to them, along with all of the steroids and antibiotics,etc. to force them to put on more weight quicker. And we wonder why cancer is so rampant?
It's been shown that males who consume a plant based diet live an average of eight years longer than their carnivorous counterparts. I have a lot that I can do with an extra eight years.
And it's also shown that those extra eight years are more healthy.
Aside from the animal and health issues, a plant based diet conserves resources, and is better for the environment. The list goes on and on.
Believe me, I like eating meat. I feel like an alchoholic that is avoiding the booze, or a smoker who is craving a drag, especially when I smell meat cooking. But, just as alchohol and tobacco are unhealthy for me, so have I learned that modern meat products are just as bad.
I've been on a mostly vegetarian (except for sushi! ;)) diet for several years now, but even then one has to go organic to avoid the pesticides. Still, I feel the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. The key is to stay away from nutritiously lacking processed foods. I'm fortunate that I don't miss (land animal) meat at all, I can't even stand meat imitation vegan products. The next step is caloric restriction, but I'm quite not that disciplined yet...
<B>Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT></B> : So that's your secret to your massive bycep's and abs? :eek:

I love vegetarian but would never become one. It concerns me how many young people become vegetarian and don't suppliment iron and other minerals which they used to get from meat. It's not as simple as not eating meat. I tip my hat to people who follow the vegetarian diet strictly. <IMG SRC="">

hmmm.... all this talk about food... i feel like a medium-rare steak. :D j/k