Car and Driver

20 February 2003
26000 light years from the nearest black hole
Calling the new NSX a Mathlete, the latest C&D issue has a mixed review for the much awaited car.

Stating that the Japanese value politeness, the NSX is "demure" in character.
It also states that the developers of the NSX are ecstatic that it is a "quiet" car and that the character of the car is very definitely different from that of a Ferrari.

They feel that the car lacks spice and that while it is very fast around a track in "Track" mode, it does so in a clinical fashion with the goal of the mission to be fast around the track and not necessarily provide increased fun or excitement.

They do state that it provides much of the technology of the Porsche Hybrid super car at a fraction of the price.

It appears this article first appeared online in Oct. 2015 but they included it again in their latest issue.

I am sure most here have seen this already.
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Fun is subjective to each individual.

They said the same thing about first NSX really too. Not enough soul. Too precise and "robotic." Too Japanese, etc. The funny thing is tho that the car is actually probably more American than perhaps even most American cars.
Their assessment of the first gen model was quite different, to start with it was unequivocally positive:
We C/D testers are unanimous: the NSX is our top choice for pure driving pleasure.
(found the 94 model review here: )
the whole article raves about how "liberating" (their wording) it is to drive the NSX.
So yes while it's subjective i'd expect to see the same level of positiveness on 2nd gen reviews, that's the deal. What i see is Honda made a totally different car, which i'd qualify as a "fast Accord Coupe". I always loved the Accord Coupe dont mistake me here, but that's a different concept altogether.
Their assessment of the first gen model was quite different, to start with it was unequivocally positive:

(found the 94 model review here: )
the whole article raves about how "liberating" (their wording) it is to drive the NSX.
So yes while it's subjective i'd expect to see the same level of positiveness on 2nd gen reviews, that's the deal. What i see is Honda made a totally different car, which i'd qualify as a "fast Accord Coupe". I always loved the Accord Coupe dont mistake me here, but that's a different concept altogether.

If you think a $150K+ mid engine car is an Accord, then you and C&D need to get a grip on reality. They probably liked the first gen NSX because it's a collector's car now and can be had for a great value. I don't recall back when the NSX was released in the early 90s of it getting much praise as it does now actually. When it first came out, critics were divided, just as they are now.

Road&Track chose the dinky turbo 4 Lotus over the "civil" and "antiseptic" NSX.


Car&Driver said the Prelude handles better than the M3, NSX, F355, Supra, Viper, and Porsches.

Again. Subjective. Fun to read, but taken as entertainment more than reality for me.

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I can't find the Motor Trend scan, but they named the Twin Turbo 300ZX car of the year pretty much every year it came to the US. Look where the Z32 is now. A beautiful, but tragically build car it is.
Their assessment of the first gen model was quite different, to start with it was unequivocally positive:

(found the 94 model review here: )
the whole article raves about how "liberating" (their wording) it is to drive the NSX.
So yes while it's subjective i'd expect to see the same level of positiveness on 2nd gen reviews, that's the deal. What i see is Honda made a totally different car, which i'd qualify as a "fast Accord Coupe". I always loved the Accord Coupe dont mistake me here, but that's a different concept altogether.

Back in 1994 the motoring press had far more respect/bias for Honda products. Today not so much. So predictably they are cooler on the new model. But I'm happy that Evo had a balanced and positive test report by someone who knows and understands cars - exotic or not.

This NSX is no more Japanese than it is British (Cosworth block anybody) - it's mostly American. Sloppy reporting at best.
@nspec: even that article (which compares the Lotus Esprit) is a lot more positive than new ones. So the styling was "safe" heh, turns out it's now classic. See the reactions on 2nd gen styling, that's definitely not in the same territory. Also i'll repeat the overall impressions from *all C&D editors*:
The testers of this magazine are of one mind about the NSX, so much so that we can finish each other's sentences. "The low, forward, cockpit is exhilarating . . . like riding in the head of an arrow."
"It's so precise in its responses . . . as if it were hard-wired into my cerebellum."
"It's exotic and rare . . . but it doesn't have to prove it by beating me up."

"A breakthrough sports car . . . now in its fourth year and still at the cutting edge."

We C/D testers are unanimous: the NSX is our top choice for pure driving pleasure.
I didnt see these quotes on 2nd gen tests (and let's compare in 4 years shall we). Again, they could have called that model "Legend S" and received unanimous praise. That's the power of names :)

Back in 1994 the motoring press had far more respect/bias for Honda products. Today not so much. So predictably they are cooler on the new model. But I'm happy that Evo had a balanced and positive test report by someone who knows and understands cars - exotic or not.
Yeah i guess a lot can be improved on the electronics that give feedback to the driver - thus improving the driving sensations.
What cannot be improved is the styling that tries too hard.. we'll have to wait until 3rd gen ;)
And you're right on that Honda public image. They really should think hard on why it is so, starting with trying to contact the spirit of Soishiro for some insights...
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Excerpt from C & D on the Zanardi:

Excerpt from C & D on the Zanardi:


I was going to post this also. They weren't exactly wowed by the performance for the Zanardi either, but they liked the fact that it didn't cost more. This was one of their more neutra

@nspec: even that article (which compares the Lotus Esprit) is a lot more positive than new ones. So the styling was "safe" heh, turns out it's now classic. See the reactions on 2nd gen styling, that's definitely not in the same territory. Also i'll repeat the overall impressions from *all C&D editors*:

I didnt see these quotes on 2nd gen tests (and let's compare in 4 years shall we). Again, they could have called that model "Legend S" and received unanimous praise. That's the power of names :)

Yeah i guess a lot can be improved on the electronics that give feedback to the driver - thus improving the driving sensations.
What cannot be improved is the styling that tries too hard.. we'll have to wait until 3rd gen ;)
And you're right on that Honda public image. They really should think hard on why it is so, starting with trying to contact the spirit of Soishiro for some insights...

Let's agree to disagree. I'm curious to see what everyone will say in a few years and then 10 years for the new NSX, but it's hard to take C&D serious when they claimed a Prelude handles better than all of those aforementioned cars. Perhaps they were trying to appeal to the masses because they knew more people could afford the Prelude than these other cars. And that article came much after 1994. I've owned the last two gen Preludes. Fun to drive, but the NSX and many of those cars would be chosen over the Prelude, especially the M3 if you need back seats...
Road&Track chose the dinky turbo 4 Lotus over the "civil" and "antiseptic" NSX.


Car&Driver said the Prelude handles better than the M3, NSX, F355, Supra, Viper, and Porsches.

Again. Subjective. Fun to read, but taken as entertainment more than reality for me.

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I can't find the Motor Trend scan, but they named the Twin Turbo 300ZX car of the year pretty much every year it came to the US. Look where the Z32 is now. A beautiful, but tragically build car it is.

The Prelude tied with the Dodge Viper which I believe came in 5th. The M3 won.

Also what do you mean the Z32 is a tragically build car?
The Prelude tied with the Dodge Viper which I believe came in 5th. The M3 won.

Also what do you mean the Z32 is a tragically build car?

On overall points, but for low speed and high speed corning, the Prelude scored over many of the other cars based on what C&D had to say. So apparently it corners better than an NSX and both Porsches at high speeds while only being beat by the M3 and tying with the rest?

I meant to say tragically built. The VG30DETT engine just not very tuner friendly or reliable from factory as time has shown. It's pretty hard to find a Twin Turbo 300ZX that is running perfect as opposed to finding a good shape NSX which is a lot lower in production number.
my 93 fd r1 was an oem over-steering handful....
........maybe they meant to call it ...........road scholar...........