Master Window Switch Fix


15 July 2009
Guys my master window switch went out, searched prime most threads and posts stated to just replace it, well I was going to order the new Switch for $340.00 from the stealership and told my self ya know if Hugabuga can do a window upgrade I can fix my switch. ok here we go

after removing the master switch from the driver door panel there are 2 screws per switch and one for the ON/OFF, master and one holding the wires to the main housing so total 6 screws,

carefully remove all the screws

then pull the wires off the terminal posts and remove switch from wire harness

next there is a rubber cover over the whole switch, lift it up intill you see the Axle/cotter pin, holding the switch in place. push it till it slides out of the other side and remove

the switch should slide out with out any problems, watch out for the 2 little springs holding the contact clickers for the switch.

after you have the switch removed you will look down into the switch itself there are 2 rocker arms, one for each direction of window travel.
each arm has a 2 little grooves so as when you reassemble you cant go wrong.

take each arm out, look down into the switch there will be the black nasty contacts, get a small screw driver and scratch those contacts till they are nice and shiny. 4 total.

now the rocker arms you removed flip them over , where they make contact with the internal contacts you will see they to are in need of some resurfacing I used
3200 grit sandpaper and got them to shine like new.

put the rocker arms back into the switch housing, place the switch back into the housing, remember the switch has 2 springs and 2 clickers which make the rocker arms move
and make the contacts touch.

next slide the axle/cotterpin back into the switch. pull rubber cover over switch. and your done.

reconnect the wires, slide the whole unit back into the main housing replace the screws, 6 total,

Finally test, your door panel is already off so plug the refreshed main switch back in, turn the ignition to II and try the windows. if both driver and Passenger goes up and down
you sucessfully fixed your master switch

this fix worked perfect as my passenger window would not go up from the main switch, my driver worked perfect, as I was looking at the driver switch it is totally different from the driver main passenger switch.
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Well done Shawn, glad my post encouraged you!! :biggrin:
Some parts are easy to repair, but we are so used to simply replace a damaged part by a new one that we don't even try to repair it first!
To my opinion, if you are about to replace a broken part, you should always try to open it first, and if you can't fix it, at least you'll learn out it worked, so it's never a waste of time I think:rolleyes: