Has the bottom dropped out? Are cars selling? Autotrader prices are very high, and I haven't dug through the market section enough to get a feel for prices, so...
Your $0.02 is appreciated
Your $0.02 is appreciated
Take some time and browse our for sale section,most cars that sell will have a final post stating such.You can then look at the last asking price and figure sale price was alittle south of that number.
Has the bottom dropped out? Are cars selling? Autotrader prices are very high, and I haven't dug through the market section enough to get a feel for prices, so...
Your $0.02 is appreciated
the cars with up-to-date records are selling quickly
Some don't sell cause folks have an idea that look at them that they are like other sports cars and very expensive to maintain - they aren't as expensive as some. They are after all a Honda.
I think the maintenance cost is not cheap. WP/TB + coolant hoses + 30K service + all necessary fluid changes will run about $5K, and that is just for preventive maintenance.