
7 March 2001
Baton Rouge, LA
Has the bottom dropped out? Are cars selling? Autotrader prices are very high, and I haven't dug through the market section enough to get a feel for prices, so...

Your $0.02 is appreciated :)

Take some time and browse our for sale section,most cars that sell will have a final post stating such.You can then look at the last asking price and figure sale price was alittle south of that number.
Has the bottom dropped out? Are cars selling? Autotrader prices are very high, and I haven't dug through the market section enough to get a feel for prices, so...

Your $0.02 is appreciated :)


My take.
The cars with up-to-date records are selling quickly or within a few months.

The cars that have some questionable history are not. Some cars are on Autotrader with modifications found through vendors here but not listed on Prime. Just an observation but I would prefer to buy from a Prime member.

Then there are cars that like this one 1999 Yellow/Black CTSC that make you wonder. :confused:
From what I've seen the older model's (91-94) the price appears to have been pretty stable between $25k and $30K (some higher) or so with NSX-T (95 newer) going a little higher ($30k to $36k) and then the 2002-05 demanding the highest price.

Just watching the posts on prime, it seems like we have seen quite a few new owners between Sept and Oct, so it sure seems cars (NSX's) are selling.

I know there is one 93 I've seen on eBay it seems like it has been posted forever, but has a buy it now of $37,900 with 74K + miles on it. Which to me explains why it hasn't sold.

If a car is nice and priced right it will sell. Especially a nice NSX priced right. If you snooze you loose on those it seems.

You can find rebuilt title or salvage title cars under $20k, like the 92 currently listed n ebay with a start of $12,900 and BIN $15,995. That one with the 200k+ miles is on another tread here on prime.

The best advise seems to be pay a little more to get a nicer car that has been maintained. It doesn't take much to start piling up $$$$$ on an NSX. Even though they are the most dependable and reasonable exotic to keep up... but some parts aren't cheap.
Another factor is that older cars, but particularly high mileage cars, will be listed longer because banks and credit unions put age and mileage limits on the cars they will make a loan on. This means that the buyer has to pay cash, and in this economy cash buyers are few and far in between, at least for me this has been the case. In addition, my car is an automatic, which is another matter all together.
Read the OPs post but am confused by the use of the phrase - "has the bottom dropped out?" That would tend to lead me to believe that the OP is saying that the prices have fallen - to that I would answer no.

Like the others are saying there is a price point that sells a car, there are good records and maintenance being up to date that sells a car and mileage that assists the sale of the cars.

A low mileage, well maintained with documented support, sold by an individual Primer is going to sell as Austin says - they will sell and will sell for a premium.

When you start changing any of the above criteria the price will reflect those changes. Just like any other car out there - the NSX is really no different in that respect. It is rare, there is a very finite source but they come up for sale regularly.

The cars that don't sell are off on price - simple as that. Some here on Prime think that their cars are gold - and they've had them for sale for a LOooooooooonnnnng time and they will continue to be for sale until there just aren't any out there. But why have one just sitting - don't understand that personally.

Some don't sell cause folks have an idea that look at them that they are like other sports cars and very expensive to maintain - they aren't as expensive as some. They are after all a Honda.
Some don't sell cause folks have an idea that look at them that they are like other sports cars and very expensive to maintain - they aren't as expensive as some. They are after all a Honda.

I think the maintenance cost is not cheap. WP/TB + coolant hoses + 30K service + all necessary fluid changes will run about $5K, and that is just for preventive maintenance.
I just bought my 00 Nsx about 3 weeks ago and i looked for a while. I noticed the cars that were priced right and clean were gone in a matter of days.
I think the maintenance cost is not cheap. WP/TB + coolant hoses + 30K service + all necessary fluid changes will run about $5K, and that is just for preventive maintenance.

If you throw a clutch and master/slave cylinder in there - that's about right; otherwise the costs you mention for that amount of work are high - imho.