Market picking up?

5 November 2002
Ive had more inquiries about my car for sale in the last 2 weeks then in the last 12 months.

Is the market picking up across the board? Or is this an anomaly?
I think people are more optimistic about the economy for 2010 and have loosened up their wallets a bit.
I dont think so,, its going to get worse,, they are closing 5 Factories a Day in China, if China goes into a economic depression, the world will feel it,, and thats a story the Government won't allow the media to show!! yes!! here in america we only see what they want us to see!! ( Fact )

but if people are opening their wallets to buy an NSX then maybe. they want their dream car before the world ends! LOL ( Joke )
09 was a down year but got better by the end so I decided it was time to get an NSX.

Don't worry about things outside of your control. If you made it through 09, 2010 will only get better.
Economy...what economy? Its just a made up fallacy...prices will continue to fall on all goods that are not is unfortunate...but it is the truth...especially here in oil land...the times have changed

Dam :cool:
I dont think so,, its going to get worse,, they are closing 5 Factories a Day in China, if China goes into a economic depression, the world will feel it,, and thats a story the Government won't allow the media to show!! yes!! here in america we only see what they want us to see!! ( Fact )

China isn't going anywhere. It is one of the few countries that is still growing. I think the last stats put it still at 10% growth. Granted it's not the 18% growth it had in the past, but it is still growing. Yes factories are closing and their export growth isn't like they were in the past, but their own domestic market is growing. They just surpassed USA with the most auto sales. They just passed Germany in exports goods.

Yes the Government filters the media, but the US media is just as biased. They tell the public what they want to hear. Don't believe everything you hear from the media. The Left will tell you the story one way, the Right will tell you the story the opposite way. Yet the truth lies somewhere in the middle.
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Economy...what economy? Its just a made up fallacy...prices will continue to fall on all goods that are not is unfortunate...but it is the truth...especially here in oil land...the times have changed

Dam :cool:

Agreed. I think the recession has taught a lot of people a financial lesson. I think people will be more cautious about financing their life and instead live more within their means. 30% credit card interest rates should keep people in check.
Ive had more inquiries about my car for sale in the last 2 weeks then in the last 12 months.

Is the market picking up across the board? Or is this an anomaly?

Interesting question and I'm guessing your inquiry may be genuine rather than hopeful... so I'll de-cloak for a moment. You reference the economy and your car so I'll do the same. My comments are meant to be an objective response to your inquiry so please don't percieve any negativity in them. There is none.

If the market's picking up I've seen no indication of it but I can appreciate that everyone will have a different perspective. An example from the other side...

I've never posted on this board before but have been a member for some time, actively looking for a vehicle to buy. That vehicle will likely turn out to be an NSX but I and others like me aren't blind to other brands and as an example I already have two sporty germans in my garage. A couple of years ago while zipping down the Autobahn with my daughter we decided to open it up and chase down a GT3. At 270kph or so it occured to me that there are many different vehicle choices and I am intimately familiar with too few.

I'm a discriminating buyer that won't require financing or any of the other nonsense that might muddle some negotiations and you've got what appears to be a beautiful car. Any other buyers similar to myself would find it curious that you appear to have censored any reference to a carfax regarding same when this site is littered with them on other vehicles but nontheless the car looks sharp and your comments elsewhere on this board about having sent oil samples in for analysis, etc. certainly give potential buyers an interesting impression of how that car may have been cared for during whatever period you may have owned it. As a buyer that's been looking at NSX's for a few months and will more than likely own within the next few I can tell you that there are two cars on this site that appear to be top drawer. One's yours and one belongs to supra2nv. Most of the rest of the ads on this site are typical of what you'd find anywhere else. / / yada yada yada.

That means:

1) You and supra2nv will have more inquiries.

2) You and supra2nv will naturally have a greater ratio of chaff to wheat in those inquiries.

Outside you two there are the occasional more reasonably priced beauties that crop up on this board and are taken off the market quickly. One example of that was:

There will be more... and if greater than 50% of the owning membership here are in their 20's and driving early gen vehicles they're unlikely to be the ones that take action when those nicer examples come available.

Assuming that the few qualified and interested buyers that lurk here are at least somewhat like me they're unlikely to make impulsive choices and will have made an xlnt analysis of several different vehicles that would fit their selection criteria by the time a decision is made. There's no artificial sense of urgency and examples of why are evident in both you and supra2nv's ads. Both have been up for well over a year and neither would be harmed by an adjustment.

For example, you put your ad up on 11-03-08 for $70k and bumped it around. Five months later on my birthday you dropped your price to $65k. Still in a rarefied atmosphere for a 12k mile car these days but clearly a step in a warmer direction. For the 9 months since then you've not rec'd any offers worth accepting and while the car snuggles in your garage those of us lurking are occasionally tempted in other directions... like when that beautiful property crops up that some poor schlub just can't afford anymore. These are the times that businessmen and investors watch for and to not be paying attn would seem a shame.

No, I wouldn't say the market is coming back and I wouldn't say that I've seen any indication that it will in 2010. As a point of reference the CA economy is a complete joke and those idiots have overspent themselves to the point that they can't pay their own bills and now need the Fed or maybe God to save them.

No, I expect many will have a significantly poorer view of the economy in '10. Remember a similar problem in '86 or even before that in '80? I have no political interest at all but there's no indication that the current man in office deserves to stand in the shadow of Carter or Reagan. From the looks of his economic stimulus responses so far he's really bad with arithmetic. Regardless, in '80 and '86 there was quite a bit of time between crisis and fix. Far more than we've seen so far this go-round, at least where significant discretionary purchases are concerned.

I'm not a huge fan of subjective chat board conversation and worse yet, this is likely to devolve into a political conversation and I find people interested in politics to be time squandering clods so I'll probably not be back to post in this thread. I probably won't hold out much hope for the economy in 2010, either. None of the problems have been solved yet.

Good luck to all of us.








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My comments are meant to be an objective response to your inquiry so please don't perceive any negativity in them. There is none.

Really?? You know people that usually try and make that so VERY clear are usually doing so under their breath :rolleyes:

But as a newbie here, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. I'm not so sure about the rest of us.
I thought Saddam Obama's platform was "Time for Change?" What ever happened?

I have purchased two NSX's in the past six months. Both were out of state. Be sure you are advertising on Craigslist. I bought both of my NSX' by looking at Craigslist ads in all states not just local. Found both of them about 1,000 miles away.

You will sell it...the right buyer will come along and give you full price.

Really?? You know people that usually try and make that so VERY clear are usually doing so under their breath :rolleyes:

But as a newbie here, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. I'm not so sure about the rest of us.
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Really?? You know people that usually try and make that so VERY clear are usually doing so under their breath :rolleyes:

Not me. Straight shooter here. I don't go around whispering yummy platitudes but also don't purposely mislead anyone. Don't need to.

But as a newbie here, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

Thank you, Sir.

I'm not so sure about the rest of us.

I'll be alright... and my comments about your car were genuine. The pictures you've posted are beautiful.
Supra2nv and Osugrad will eventually sell their 05's...heck I even sold my 02 Imola for $65k last year!

They most definitely will as both vehicles appear to be very, very nice examples. OSU wants to know if the market has turned around though so the question is 'do you think that those vehicles will now move quickly'?

Alum04... thanks, I've been saving those for quite a while and didn't really have a use for 'em but thought they were great. Amazing how a cartoonist can speak volumes with a single sentence, a vivid imagination and a huge dose of artistic talent.
All my investments have been SLOWLY rising. I had to do a few small changes tho to make that happen. So I guess its picking up SLOWLY. lol
There is also a seasonal factor at play here.... the sports car market slows down dramatically in the cold weather states during the winter.

First, nice to see someone post from Alaska. I've visited the state via cruise lines and was absolutely impressed. Nature - mostly untapped. What a national treasure to be sure.

From your post I got your sincerity. Your post was articulate and I think very on-point.

Is the market changing? Good question and the answer will allude us until a few years gives all of us adequate hindsight. But, I will say this as I state the obvious ... buying a used car for up-wards of $60K still must be considered, by most, to be a luxury and not a necessity. With that said, the law of supply and demand is one that has been tested throughout time -- someone at some point will demand it and the supply shall dictate what the ultimate terms of the deal are. The The OSUgrad NSX will sell because it is a fine example. Someone will see that and pay accordingly. In fact, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if it's a Wolverine fan (OK, yes I would)!
The closer it gets to summer the more it will pick up. Sports cars sell better in the summer.
Another factor which is directly related to the prices both Osugrad and Supra2nv have is that its becoming ALOT harder to find pristine examples of the NSX. Especially 2002-2005's...
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