market conditions

6 December 2002
Lone Pine, CA USA
I've just recently started considering buying a (used) NSX. Could anyone with more experience following prices comment on current market conditions? Is winter generally more of a buyer's market? I see a few price reductions on cars that aren't selling, but as a newcomer I don't know how typical that is.

My question boils down to: is this a good time to get a nice deal on a used NSX. Thanks in advance for any thoughts on this matter.
I will try and and answer ur question even thou im probably not the best qualified.. but here goes. The nsx is not a suv so you will not find one cheaper in the winter time.As for the price.....ive seen some great deals the last two months because people are getting the new style nsx or because of the bad market situation forcing them to sell there toys...but you have definitly come to the right place to learn about and find a nsx.Good Luck to you in your search for the perfect car.
Originally posted by Tom239:
.... My question boils down to: is this a good time to get a nice deal on a used NSX....

It's always a good time to get a nice deal on a used NSX - drive one, you'll be sold!
Well said guys!! It's always the best time to buy NSX, and you will realize that you should've bought it earlier
Originally posted by Tom239:
My question boils down to: is this a good time to get a nice deal on a used NSX.


Is it better than any other time? Not necessarily.

Older but extremely-well-maintained NSXs continue to sell for the same prices they have for a number of years.

Not-so-well-maintained and high-mileage NSXs sell for a lot less.

If you want one and can afford it, get it. If you wait several years for prices to drop, you'll just be missing the enjoyment that you could be getting from the car during that time.