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Mark @ Dali Racing

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16 April 2002
Help, can't seem to get a response from Mark, many emails without a return message. several weeks, sent him $4500.00, for new tilton clutch and race radiator. got OEM radiator and nothing on clutch, called tilton they say they have not recieved an order ? Have had great luck with past purchaces, wondering if he is sick or hurt.
Thanks for your help.

Please, if anyone is getting to him please ask if he would call, write, anything.. Need my parts or money, no hard feelings just a response. fellow prime members speaking to Mark please feel free to ask him to call ? my cell # is 954-520-9908 email me at [email protected]. or heck PM me. thanks in advance for your help. :frown:

06/13/06 Still nothing ????? Help !!!!
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Re: Anybody Know If Mark @ Dali Racing is OK?

Still Nothing !!!!! thanks to the prime members taking the time to check, but still nothing, can anyone help ? If anyone thinks I have done something improper, let me know, I will try and fix it. :frown: :frown: :frown:
Re: Anybody Know If Mark @ Dali Racing is OK?

Hi Decon,

I wish I had good news for you. I've ordered the same thing but over a year ago, 6.23.05. After what I thought was a nice business relationship and a good friendship, I've now concluded that the only avenue to pursue is criminal (consumer internet and mail fraud) and civil litigation (small claims court) to get a refund of the parts paid for. Numerous emails sent asking for order status and subsequent demand for refund and no response. Even had my attorney in San Diego send a demand letter several months ago. Again, no response.

I always thought that there were two sides to every story and that the tales of "Dali Racing Buyer Woe" were me just not being privy to the story of both sides. I'm sure he's had some unreasonable clients but I'm not one of them. I'm not even upset anymore, just clueless on why he would wreck a friendship and a profitable (for him) business relationship.

If you like, PM me for details on my experience or if you'd like the contact information of the proper authorities.
Re: Anybody Know If Mark @ Dali Racing is OK?

You'er experience is the exact opposite of what I have found..

Just bought a 91 stock clutch kit last friday and was delivered clear accross the country in 3 days.. was very fast and expeditious.. same experience with a K&N lst year...

seems odd - we're the parts in stock when you ordered them?

Re: Anybody Know If Mark @ Dali Racing is OK?

I am having the same problem. I have orded several things, next day ask to cancell seeing that the most important part I needed was not in stock, I have emailed him twice a day for 3 days w/ no responce, what gives? If he conducts his business this way I will not take a chance and order again!!!!!
Re: Anybody Know If Mark @ Dali Racing is OK?

Buying from Dali is like playing with a time bomb, you will never know when he will change from a super friendly and efficient vendor to not answering your email or shipping the parts paid after receiving payment from you.

My first few purchasers from Dali were very pleasant experiences. He was helpful and fast with his service.

Just when i thought that all the previous posts which i read about Dali are all made up by disgruntled customers, Dali strikes again. And this time the victim is ME!!!!

I felt so stupid for defending him my earlier posts when other customers of his were complaining about him.

After receiving payment from me he did not ship the parts as promised on a few occassion and when i email him for an update he told me off for bothering him. My request for an update on the shipping of parts was interpreted as a demand for him to drop everything to attend to my order!

Of course i do not expect him to drop everything to attend to my order but when promises are made on numerous occassion regarding the shipping date of my parts, I expect them to be honoured!!

When I lodged a dispute with paypal, Dali immediately replied to my email. Instead of apologising for not shipping my parts as promised and not answering my email, Dali threatened to drop me from his clients list and make sure that "it takes the longest possible time for [me] to get my money back" if i do not withdraw the dispute lodged against Dali with paypal immediately!

I guess there is no point in fighting with a pig like him - i will only get all dirty and he will enjoy it. So I escalated my dispute to a complaint against Dali with paypal.

Guess what? I got a full refund within 5 minutes!!

Moral of the story is "DONT BUY FROM DALI" , if you really have to buy from Dali, do it through paypal. If you dont get your orders within 30 days of payment, lodge a complaint with paypal. Dont give Dali a chance to screw you. If you do rest assured that he will - it is a matter of when , not if.
still nothing from mark, just want my $ or part, anyone speaking with him please ask what may be up. If asking if he was ok on prime upset him I am sorry, was genuinely concerned. thanks for the advise from members who have try'd. anyone else willing to give it a whirl, I will gladdly do the same for you. help. :frown:
Just want to let everyone know, that I recieved a check from Mark.
Thanks to everyone who responded and helped. :biggrin:
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