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""Marga Hills Widebody Front Fenders 4-Sale"

2 October 2002
San Diego,CA,USA
I have Black in Perfect condition Original Marga Hills Fenders. With clear Japanese style Sidemarker. I bought them like three months ago From Maomao here at NSXPRIME, but ended up not using them. I paid $1,000.00 but picked them up from the seller. I'am asking $900.00 you pay shipping.
They do fit Stock Body & also i'am trying to get Pic's Probably have Pic's by monday.

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[This message has been edited by ANYTIME (edited 02 March 2003).]
I'm possibly interested in the fenders and I'm in SD.

have they been modified to work with the stock front bumper? or does the Marga hills front bumper need to be used?

can I make arrangements to see them in person? please email me directly with your contact info.


[This message has been edited by X-TNSIV (edited 03 March 2003).]