Marga Hills conversion

7 February 2001
Anyone have the Marga Hills headlight conversion for sale? SOS can no longer get them. I will take new or used as long as they are in good condition. I hope I did not wait too long to get these as I want a fixed headlight and the MH kit was really the only one I liked. thanks--Brett
Marga Hills ceased production about 3 months ago. There composite parts manufacturing business is going through an overaul. The headlights are no longer available.

-- Chris


[email protected]
Originally posted by SNDSOUL:
Anyone have the Marga Hills headlight conversion for sale? SOS can no longer get them.
You might want to consider the setup from Pop Noshimura (available from SoS, Cybernation and others). Last I looked, there is/was at least one set for sale slightly-used.
"Marga Hills ceased production about 3 months ago. There composite parts manufacturing business is going through an overaul."

Does this mean they will resume production at any time, or am I S.O.L. on getting their underbody diffuser? Or should I wait and see if they are coming out with new improved products? Hoping you could give us the skinny since you work with these guys Chris.

[This message has been edited by Juice (edited 26 June 2002).]