Manufactured Date of Tire

25 October 2001
Northern California
I found an oem yoko tire that has never been used (apparently stored in a garage, still wrapped) but it has a manufactured date of 1992.

How safe is this tire?
humm call the tire manufacturer or or a similar tire retailer and field the question to them.In any case id like to know what the answer is also so please post your findings.

[This message has been edited by NyC NsX (edited 27 June 2002).]
I wonder how "new" the OEM yokos are that we from Tire Rack? I bet the tire is fine as long as it has been stored out of the sun.

Originally posted by hk4site:
As rubber ages it gets harder

True, I read somewhere on the post that after some 500 miles the harder surface rubber may be removed but if the rest of the tire has been equally hardened then yes, this may be a problem ........... the tire was sitting at Comptech (so presumbaly indoors)for some time and they just sold about 40 tires to Big O down the street.

I checked the Yoko tires on my NSX but do not see manufactured date ....... is that only on the white sticker?
Every DOT tire has the date encoded as the last 3 digits of the DOT serial number. The first two digits are the week (1..52) and the third digit is the last digit of the year. So 139 would be the 13th week of 1999.
Thanks Lud.

Let me see If I understand this. I am not sure I follow the serial number sequence of (1..52 with the 139 example) you noted ...... let me try my hand at this.

I have ordered all my tires from Discount Tire Direct and they seem to ship them from their Sparks wherehouse in Neveda .......

The fronts were ordered in Mrach 00 and, and the rears were ordered last September; they read:

Front: MP5359 left and MP5309 right.

So if I understand your example Lud, both were built on the 5th week (using the first 2 digits but one seems to be missing otherwise I will read 53 weeks!) but one in 1995 and the other in 2000, OR are you saying that they were built on the 35th and 30th week of 1999?

If it is the latter, what about the rears? They read MLU0901 and MLU4900. Which weeks were they built, the 9th and one in 2001 and the other in 2000?
Actually now that I think about it, DOT went to FOUR digits for the manufacture date starting in 2000. So for 2000+ tires, the first two are the week, the second two are the last two digits of the year. For tires 1999 and earlier, the 3-digit system I described above was in use.

So for your first examples, which were manufactured in 1999, you still use the THREE digit code where the first two digits are the week and the last one is the year. In your example that means your two tires were manufactured the 35th and 30th week of 1999.

For your newer tires ending in 01 and 00, assuming they are 2000 or later and not really old 1990 and 1991 tires, they were manufactured in the 9th week of 2001 and the 49th week of 2000.
I say this qualifies as one of those hidden trivia questions hidden in the FAQ ..........
I talked to Big O where the tire in question was residing .......... they recommend against using the tire as the inside lining may be damaged by age. They buy these left over tires in bulk and hope that some will be salvageable for use ........... if not, they go to recycling ..........

Moral of the story, always buy fresh produce ......
The regional Yokohama Perforamce Marketing Representative final got back to me on this and this is his quote is:

As for the '93 tire, it is my (and Yokohama's) recommendation that the hoop is far too old to use in anger, as it has aged regardless of being wrapped and properly stored. Tires contain an evil cocktail of compounds and components that will begin to deteriorate and migrate from each other after 5 to 7 years, which will render the tire extremely hard and lacking in the original sticky and grippy state when they were first made. They might be OK for cruising (although I still think it's too old for even that), but my recommendation is... stay away from it.>>

As I said, get fresh tires and check the dates .......
Originally posted by DanO:
I wonder how "new" the OEM yokos are that we from Tire Rack? I bet the tire is fine as long as it has been stored out of the sun.


FYI, we would not ever sell you a tire with a 1993 dot date unless we made you VERY aware of it. Being that we get our tires direct from the source they are usually fresh becuase they were often just made. It is not usually a problem here as our inventory is regularly turned over and it is very odd for tires to just sit in out facilities. We like our produce fresh too

FYI- I think that tire is too old, if it were me I would pass on it.

94 Green/Tan #268