Mandatory furlough @ work

11 July 2002
Orange County, CA
Well, it had to happen.

The sad state of the CA economy has finally hit us. It was bound to happen. Arnold's cutting out a lot of significant funds.

I work for a non-profit organization that relies solely on state and federal funding and with the end of the fiscal year in June, the big boss gathered us together to break the news: Expect Mandatory Furloughs. Wow.

I have mixed feelings about it. The thought of getting some time off from work is appealing. Cutting the income short is not so nice though.

It's been the buzz at work for over a year now but the possibility hasn't been close to reality--until now. Further details will be in later but it will be at LEAST a month. This happened back in the 90's when recession set in. They're projecting, however, that this time around will be much worse.

Consequences for me?
Expect my car to be up for sale soon...

Anyone else have experience with furloughs (non-military)?
Sorry to hear about this. I hope it all works out for you and that you don't have to sell your NSX. Good Luck!
Sorry to hear about the furlough, Hope you dont have to sell the baby, and hope the furlough doesnt turn into something worse.
Joel, hope things improve after we all pay up on the 15th.
Joel -

What a bummer. Sorry to hear of your situation. Although, you may want to look at this as an opportunity to expand your horizon and accomplish other goals. This may be the "pot 'o' gold at the end of the rainbow"

Best regards.
Interesting how these two posts are next to each other, furlough and too much money. Really shows how nothing is certain. Live for the best, plan for the worst. Hope things work out for you Joel.
ss_md said:
Joel -

What a bummer. Sorry to hear of your situation. Although, you may want to look at this as an opportunity to expand your horizon and accomplish other goals. This may be the "pot 'o' gold at the end of the rainbow"

Best regards.

This is exactly how I'm going to view it.
Maybe a little "rockin' the boat" recipe is what I need. Shift things here and there. We'll see.

Thanks guys. :)
Joel, I hate to hear the news about your furlough. I'm not sure if your situation allows you to receive CA unemployment benefits, but you should check. The max benefit this year is $410 per week, for a duration of 6 months. It may not cover everything, but it sure helps. Good luck.
It all works out. I lost my research job in the early 90's because Hillary wanted to implement universal healthcare. Found a great job and was RIF'ed (reduction in force) the next year. Found a better job.
What I learned: 6 months expenses in liquid funds at all time. I did not have to sell or give anything up.
Keep your chin up buckaroo! :D :D :D