Man sells everything to buy Lamborghini and drive across the country

25 March 2007
Knoxville, TN / Montgomery, AL
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Poor Richard is a looser and needs some professional help...
Errr....kudos...i guess

His definition of traumatic is kinda weak. You got dumped, it happens, move on. I wish him luck starting over, but the guy has issues IMO. Selling everything? The only thing traumatic that would make me do something like that is if I was dieing of some illness because i'll be dead at the end or close to it so who cares. Being dumped? Psshh that get's me to go buy a six pack of beer, if that.
Call me crazy but I loved this story. Good for him!
Errr....kudos...i guess

His definition of traumatic is kinda weak. You got dumped, it happens, move on. I wish him luck starting over, but the guy has issues IMO. Selling everything? The only thing traumatic that would make me do something like that is if I was dieing of some illness because i'll be dead at the end or close to it so who cares. Being dumped? Psshh that get's me to go buy a six pack of beer, if that.

Heart break is traumatic, he channelled his energy into something some would consider stupid, others don't have the balls to the guy from England that put all his money down on roulette. Anyway I think it makes for a good story. End of the day he has a great story to tell...and a Gallardo worth about half. So he hasn't lost all of his money.
Heart break is traumatic, he channelled his energy into something some would consider stupid, others don't have the balls to the guy from England that put all his money down on roulette. Anyway I think it makes for a good story. End of the day he has a great story to tell...and a Gallardo worth about half. So he hasn't lost all of his money.

I agree...great story...but still. However you are right, different people react differently to different situations. Guess I have been dumped enough times to where I just shrug my shoulders lol. :rolleyes:
Why do you guys think he an idiot?

The only line I saw that got me was these two.

"In his trips across the country Richard managed 91,807 miles."

Then this

"After all the hard driving and long miles, the timing chain stretched, crunching the valves and turning the car into an exotic and expensive paperweight."

Duh! but anyways I think it's pretty cool. Tons of people take campers and go cross country for years.
"You're never going to live up to anyone's expectations, so you might as well live up to your own and for me that's to be as free as you can. And if money doesn't buy you freedom then it's useless."

Amen brother.

Too bad about the timing chain though.