Malaysian GP

28 March 2002
Oxnard, CA , USA
Is anyone watching it right now on Speed TV? Takuma Sato is not racing this weekend. Has a fever or something.
Early Updates...

hmmm... Three laps not even complete, both B.A.R. Honda cars knocked out within seconds of eachother due to engine failure. Jenson's engine was replaced due to the DNF in Australia and still had oil leak problems during testing during the week. Sato's replacement, another Englishman, his car just burst into flames; also running w/ a newly replaced engine. Rather disappointing to say the leasts.

The Renaults seem to be on another playing field, charging ahead in the 15-20 laps I did veiw. Barichello & M.Schumacher seemed to just be keeping pace w/ their starting grid position. Barichello was quoted as saying prior to the race about the One-Engine/Two-Race policy that when he went full-on throttle during the week's testing & practise, he felt that the power wasn't there as much, which he found profoundly disappointing. Also, the same issue as two years seems to resurface: the Bridgestone tyre selection by Ferrari and their limited testing in the off-season. Well whatever it is, it won't just go away that easily w/ Renault performing a cut above the rest as they have thus far. It'll be interesting nonetheless to see the new Ferrari F2005 car premier, which as of now will more than likely be after Bahrain.

Time to join the sandman, hopefully he kept my bed warm... :redface:
Yes, very dissapointing both BAR-Honda cars were out of the race so quick. At least M Schumacher and Scuderia are not in the lead.
Very disappointing race. Button got a good start and was making great progress through the field before he had engine problems. There's no telling what position he might have ended up in had he finished the race, but it was certainly looking promising there for the first few laps.

It's still early yet, but based on just the first two races of the year we might have to wait quite some time to see the next generation NSX if all those rumors about Honda launching it's next super car after a GP victory/championship are true. As it stands, we'll see that rival Toyota/Lexus supercar before we see a new NSX :mad:
Those engines were the latest developments from Honda. BAR retired their cars from the Australian GP so that they could install those engines.

During the winter testing NONE of the Honda engines lasted the required 1200KM test which they needed to in order to have a chance of lasting 2 races.

Button knew the engine was not going to last so he did a Kamakasi blast at the start, to at demonstrate what he is capable of...

Personally I don't blame him... It must be very demoralising to start a GP season or even a race knowing that your engine is not going to last the distance!
Conspiracy theory? Seems a little much if you ask me. And after Honda spent all that money to gain 49% of BAR? I just don't know. Something wierd is definately going on though. Did you see the look on the faces of the chief engineers in the Pit? Anger hid behind stoicism to say the least. I can't for the life of me understand what the hell Honda is doing lately. At least their bikes don't suck. Yet.