Making the NSX roomier

20 October 2004
Duluth (Atlanta), GA
Any tips on how to make the NSX a bit roomier? I finally had the chance to sit in one (a '91) and it was pretty tight. I'm 6' 1", 300# - 56" Jacket, 40" waist. Your basic defensive lineman build. The biggest complaints were headroom and legroom. Widthwise it was OK. My head hit the roof. The other area that was an annoyance was that the bottom of the steering wheel hit my legs.

I've driven a stock miata and was pretty cramped in it, but then I drove one with a Sparco seat and a Momo wheel and had tons of room. Should I expect similar results in an NSX? I don't need a ton of room (current daily driver is a '91 CRX Si), but I do need a bit more. Any way to lower the factory seat? Any way to get more tilt out of the steering column?
what about low position racing rail?

This one lowers 10mm to 35mm(approx 0.2-1.2inches) depending on what you want.


here's other low position seat rail

The fact that this topic appears on the Forum with some regularity suggests that a new approach to the problem is needed. How about a more global solution? When you open the door to an NSX, you should leave behind much of what you have learned in other cars- the NSX is different in ways ranging from how you get in and out to how best to take on a tight corner. Regarding seating, don't confuse comfort in another car with comfort in an NSX- a new seating position may be required. Only after experimenting with all the adjustments available to get a position in which you can fully control the car and failing, should solutions like new seats/rails be explored.
That's my view on this.
I did try a range of adjustments. The best bet was with the wheel raised and extended as far as possible with the seat moved forward and reclined until it hit the firewall. Even in this "formula car" type of seating arrangement my head hit the roof, though not as bad as with a more conventional seating arrangement. Additionally, my arms were fully extended in this position, which is bad for performance driving. I suppose I could make a 4-6" extension for the steering column, which would allow a decent arm position even with the radically reclined seat, but then you have to consider egress, which will be compromised with a longer column.

Could do away with adjusters all together and bolt the seat straight to the floor, as I did in my racecar. This gained about 3" of headroom in the racecar, but it made it undriveable for anyone under 6'. OTOH, I'm less likely to pimp out my NSX than I am my racecar, so it fitting other drivers isn't that important.

FWIW, I did look at the FAQ before posting this, but didn't find it all that useful.
Dave Hardy said:
FWIW, I did look at the FAQ before posting this, but didn't find it all that useful.
Did you look at the links in my post in that other topic (thanks for the link, FN)? Modifying the seats (specifically, the lower seat cushion) is the way to go.
geez guys, lighten up.

I would suggest you post in the Southeast NSX forum and see if you can find a local Atlanta NSX owner with aftermarket seats, and see if he will meet you to check it out :)
I too am a big guy - 6'3" 260 lbs.

My neighbors 91 which i drive all the time is a tad tight.

However, when I went to test a 2002 i was amazed that the seats went back WAAAY
further and there was a TON of room for me.

I'm not sure when they changed this - but I'd rec sitting in as many model years as you can. Personally the 02 update is essential. I hear that they changed the leather surfaces in 00. We all know the engine grew in 97 and that the targa was born in 95.
