Making a New Standard... Reinventing sliced bread, Thoughts?

28 December 2010
Bay Area, CA
I see there is lots of talk here and there on different threads about what we would like to see or what we all expect of the 2nd Gen NSX. We all have high hopes, but honestly lots of doubts as well due to location of manufacture and so on. With that said, I pose simple question/query:

When the original NSX was made, the amount of time, R&D, innovation, etc... gave honda a chance to "reset or re-make" the stand of how a "super car" should be, drive, and perform. On that note...

1. Is it possible that Honda will do it again? (Just a little?)
2. Is it possible for them to keep their ideas top secret as not to spoil anything big (Dramatic Impacts/Engineering) before delivery?

My hopes are always high, but realistically hopes are just hopes and speculation is... well speculation. Besides hearsay and water cooler conversation, do we have any definitive evidence that a reinvention of a "supercar" will occur again?

I would like to keep this thread factual, but I think we'll end up butchering it anyway, so...

Let's collaborate constructively... or as we do best here on prime... hack away at it:smile:
(Try to give evidence or show links so we can have a data which we can refer to for reference)
Honda will not do it again, but this car will be another tech geek's dream - AKA a sausage fest. When the NSX first appeared in 1990, the cars that was above it in terms of performance were the F40, maybe Testarossa and Diablo.

Today, you have too many, way too many new models to chose from, and the used car market is full of cars that will perform like the new NSX at a significant discount (when those cars were new). To name a few, GTR, GT3, F430, Gallardo, etc.

The car will not be a top secret since Honda told us what they're going to do, the only thing is the final HP figure which they will have to disclose when the running prototypes are introduced to the press, which will probably be this summer if the car is going to hit the market in 2014 as the 2015 model year.

Finally, the reputation of the car will really depend on the engine - SOHC vs DOHC. If it is the standard 3.5L SOHC from the Legend/RLX with slightly better tuning for more HP, Honda will be in serious trouble as the car will be DOA.

However, this car will be the next new thing since it's hybrid, so it will attract a lot of lookers and will be a new design for others to follow, and others will capitalize their competing model. Therefore, the selling point is really just about the Honda reliability, promised fuel economy, and Ironman drives one.

I suspect people that will buy this is will be Honda loyalists and Grand Tourismo geeks with high pay jobs. Few wealthy people will actually touch that car since the selection of today is much greater, and Honda will not be able to beat the badge snobs to death with it.