Make your UFC calls

8 March 2006
Here is how I see it:

Florian over Robinson
Nogueira over Herring
Franca over Sherk
Silva over Marquardt
Ortiz over Evans
Gurgel over Saraiva
Bonnar over Nickels
Bocek over Edgar
Gilliam over Lytle

This is one of the best UFC's ever. When Nogueira is just an undercard, you have a great UFC.
Ortiz gets his butt whipped by Evans

lol... yes this is quite a possibility. I was very torn making that call... I can't believe I can't see this fight as I will be at the ALMS race that night... thank God for DVR.
This is one of the best UFC's ever. When Nogueira is just an undercard, you have a great UFC.

Absolutely! Can't wait for tomorrow night to roll around. The card was so good I looked briefly into flying to Sac-town for the fight, but while it would be cool to be there for the atmosphere I'd prefer to see it on TV.

Here are my picks, but ya never know what's going to go down:

Florian over Robinson
Nogueira over Herring
Sherk over Franca
Marquardt over Silva
Ortiz over Evans
Gurgel over Saraiva
Bonnar over Nickels
Bocek over Edgar
Lytle over Gilliam

Hopefully we get some great matches throughout the night and this one lives up to its Stacked billing.
But you know what happens is that you pay $40 for the PPV and they don't even show 2-3 of the fights... "may not be broadcast"... oh yeah I'd rather watch all that pre-fight BS about this guy and that guy's training camp and what he likes for breakfast instead. I wish for $40 they would let me watch all the fights not just the ones they deem as good enough. Some of the best fights are sometimes between the people no one knows. These guys work hard and make it into the UFC, give them a little respect and broadcast their fight at least. I mean it must suck to be in the UFC and then find out your fight was not good enough to be broadcast.
Florian over Robinson (I think florian is boring though)
Nogueira over Herring (Unless Herring works on his ground game, he's going NOWHERE in the UFC)
Sherk over Franca (unfortunately, again, sherk is boring)
Silva over Marquardt (Tough call, but I give the stand-up to Silva)
Ortiz over Evans (I don't think this will even be close)
Gurgel over Saraiva (Gurgel is decent, but still luking in Franklin's shadow)
Bonnar over Nickels (I think Nickels was set-up to take the fall on this one)
Bocek over Edgar :confused:
Lytle over Gilliam (Lytle is VERY under rated, and was merely a shell of himself in his last fight)

There are always some REALLY GOOD undercard fights. They can't show them all, because the first fight is at 3:45 (PT), which would make it 6.5 hour PPV :eek: . If you want to see the GOOD undercard fights, you can usually catch them on UFC Unleashed on Spike TV. Whenever I go to the events, my wife and I are always there when the doors open at 3pm, but until the Live event, only about 1/20th of the seats are filled... :rolleyes: I like that MMA is becoming more acceptable and mainstream, but with the good comes ALOT of bad (such as ticket prices being nearly 5x's what they used to be)...
Oh BTW... for those that were not aware... Zuffa is planning on dissolving Pride!
Oh BTW... for those that were not aware... Zuffa is planning on dissolving Pride!
:eek: :eek:

What will happen to all the fighters? Are we going to see Fedor fighting Randy? yes!!!!

Don't say anything bad about Florian... :biggrin: he was my instructor and training partner for a long time and a close friend now. For an ordinary nonathletic guy.. he sure has come far. Anyway I don't think he is boring at all, I don't know what you have been watching. He brings it every fight. 1 and 2 minute submissions of SAM stout and kit cope, those patented elbows everyone calls "lucky" he beat both karalexis and Chris leben with, he has always been great at BJJ now his stand-up has gotten better faster than anyone else I have seen. he trains with kru Mark at Sityodtong, the real deal from Thailand. What fight of his was boring?!! :confused:

I agree that Sean Sherk can be possibly categorized at boring, in general I find G&P much more boring than technical grappling and striking. Its why I love watching Nogueira for example, the ground work is exquisite.
It's not that I don't think KenFlo is a good fighter, I just don't think he pushes the pace. He has some Great Wins, but *I* think, like Sherk, he's a "lie-in-wait" type of fighter whereas he is always looking for the mistake, and is fighting "not to lose" as opposed to "fighting to win". It doesn't make him a bad fighter by any means, and I would kill to have his BJJ skills, but it's that same fighting style that made Tim Silvia a boring champion...
:eek: :eek:

What will happen to all the fighters? Are we going to see Fedor fighting Randy? yes!!!!

Nothing is official yet, it's being thrown around pretty heavily though. As Dana said... "If the NFL could buy the CFL, they wouldn't keep the CFL around to compete for ratings... they would dissolve the CFL and make the NFL even bigger!"
Nothing is official yet, it's being thrown around pretty heavily though. As Dana said... "If the NFL could buy the CFL, they wouldn't keep the CFL around to compete for ratings... they would dissolve the CFL and make the NFL even bigger!"

LOL... Rorion is probably astounded by what his idea has come to. MMA will take over boxing and draw fans from wrestling and become a huge sport. Right now they have a great gig going paying the fighters very little and raking in the cash. No one in MMA gets 8 million for a fight like Tyson did. But they are selling as many PPV's.

Man when I was doing BJJ no one knew what MMA was... where did the good old days go when no one had any skills which made my mediocre skills look great... :biggrin: :biggrin:
It's not that I don't think KenFlo is a good fighter, I just don't think he pushes the pace. He has some Great Wins, but *I* think, like Sherk, he's a "lie-in-wait" type of fighter whereas he is always looking for the mistake, and is fighting "not to lose" as opposed to "fighting to win". It doesn't make him a bad fighter by any means, and I would kill to have his BJJ skills, but it's that same fighting style that made Tim Silvia a boring champion...

In what fight? really he was very upset in that he didn't push the pace with Diego Sanchez. he was way outweighed and outmuscled in that fight anyway. He has ended most of his fights in brisk fashion otherwise. Kenny is extremely technical. He doesn't have the muscle or athleticism to pull him through, he relies on technique. Anyway, good guy, very intelligent. Very tough to roll with.
To be completely honest, this last UFC wasn't that great. And they called it "Stacked". I'm not the ultimate fan but to see the first 3 fights (big names) go to the judges scorecards disappointed me.

Although Herring shoulda taken out Noguiera after the kick
Not a big fan of Heath Herring. Very poor ground skills, not on the level of Nogueira at all. That was a bad matchup, he already lost to Minetaro twice. I also don't like to watch a lot of G&P, it's just not as fun to watch as some technical thing like a submission or a KO. To ground and pound and go to a judge is a little boring to watch. Kenny as usual finished his fight. No judge's decision there baby. Overall I thought it was a great UFC. I don't know who is going to stop Silva. That is one dude at the top of his game right now. I love watching him.
Here is how I see it:

Florian over Robinson
Nogueira over Herring
Franca over Sherk
Silva over Marquardt
Ortiz over Evans
Gurgel over Saraiva
Bonnar over Nickels
Bocek over Edgar
Gilliam over Lytle

I completely missed this, the monthly MMA thread :smile: . I have to bust your chops on this one...what where you thinking w/ these predictions? :wink: Florian sure, he's improving every fight and his elbows are like Loiseau's (before he became gun-shy), Nog subbed and decisioned Heath already so that's a lock, Spidey over Nate was where my money went also (7 time King of Pancrase, Marquardt could have defended a little better from his back), and the Gurgel, Bonnar, and Edgar fights could have gone either way (though I lucked out and picked 'em right). But...Franca over Sherk? My wife is a big fan of Hermes and had him picked also, but Sherk's strength and cardio are unmatched @ 155. IMO only BJ can dethrone him right now, or possibly Yves Edwards if he can keep the fight standing long enough. Ortiz and Evans should have been a wrestling/GNP war, but was pretty crappy in retrospect. I had Rashad picked, Jacob (aka Tito) has not finished anyone under age 40 since 2001, and if he is bullied in the cage he mentally deteriorates. Honest to God when the fight was over I said it's a draw and knew I wouldn't be getting paid, sure enough that's what they scored it. Good for the ref, for taking that point...Tito was stuffing takedowns by grabbing the cage. What he said afterwards just reaffirms the way I feel about him, he said 'if you ain't cheatin' you ain't tryin' .'
How could you pick 'The Gizzard' over Chris Lytle? I've always been a huge fan of his, he's a class act and is extremely underrated, as Bob said.

Final thoughts? Heath came in Frank Mir style, chubby and out of shape. He kickboxing is nice (especially when he gets pissed off from someone laying on him :smile: ) and his submission escapes are good, but they are extreeemly dangerous as any BJJ stylist watching him fight will tell you. He loves to give up his back and scramble out the bottom...before you know if you're too high up on him to sink in a RNC (Mata Leon for you old guys). He caught Nog across the entire chin/nose/restoftheface and was unable to close the show with those sloppy hammerfists. I like Heath, but c'mon. Oh, and no one's taking that belt from Anderson for a long time, the rematch w/ Franklin is set for Oct (1 year from the 1st, bout) and Rich will have fear in his eyes and he does his entrance, at least if he's smart he will :rolleyes: . Sorry for the long post, had to catch up.
