Make sure things are documented!

13 April 2013
New Hyde Park, New York
So a few months back (before I stored my car) I took my $6000 set of HRE to get it freshened up. At the time, I left my new tires on the wheels so they can handle the removal and mount of the tires. I actually have an email from them that to not worry and leave the tires on and they will handle it from there. For quite some time they still didn't get the parts they need and said they will contact me when ready. Okay, I'm in no hurry since I don't need them.

Fast forward to today. I called yesterday and they said the wheels are ready. So I go over, paid and the guy bring out my HRE wheels "BUT" "NO TIRES"! So I'm like, where are they! "Sir, they didn't come with tires, did they?"................... Now I'm panicking. And I look at the receipt again and it states "NO TIRES". What the hell! I sure left them with the tires! So spoke to one of the part owner, he said he will order me new tires. Wow, what a relief! I thought I was going to be out $1000!

Anyway, this is just a reminder that make sure you get everything documented so you don't have to go through what I did!

All my fault and kudos to this company for handling it with style!

The problem wasn't that things weren't documented, the problem is they weren't documented correctly and you failed to realize the mistake until months later.

Glad it all worked out in the end.
wow, good thing it worked out.

I myself need to document things more often. My memory isn't what it used to be...
HRE's President used to be here on Prime, he owned a NSX...this was back before he was promoted. I wonder if he still has his NSX?!