Maintenance Help

Your in good hands

Your lucky! Mark Basch, the master NSX tech, is located in Phoenix. His shop, Basch Acura Service, is next door to Chris Willson's Science of Speed (linked above). Mark does excellent work. Many ship their cars just so he can work on them. I've been to his shop twice and enjoyed my stay there.
NSX Service

You can't go wrong using Mark Basch, very well thought of in the community IMO.
NSXDDS said:

I'm new to AZ and I need to find a good place to service my car. Just wondering if there are any suggestions?

yeah, as above mentioned, Mark's sposed to be about as good as they come. if you're in north scottsdale or thereabouts, i know the nsx tech at acura north scottsdale actually drives and NSX as his daily.. real nice guy (George i think his name is). So far they've done my service, mostly cause the car's under warranty so it's all covered...but i plan on using Mark for my SC install and any issues with tuning or non-warranty type items..