magnadyne Marksman 2 way alarm

17 May 2002
Brooklyn, NYC
anybody have any of these alarms running on their nsx? This viper dealer says he doesnt carrry the viper 790VX 2 way alarm cuz it doesnt work well in the city and the range sucks. He said that the Marksman is very good for city use. they want $400 installed with auto start. What do you think guys?
Visit my website at for info on alarm systems. What it boils down to is that the installation is very important but I question the integrity of any person in the business that can look a customer in the eye and sell a Marksman over a Viper. Also bear in mind that to perform an NSX install properly requires experience. If the installer does a Honda Accord style install on an NSX, be prepared for a thief to still be able to easily steal your car.
Viper does not offer a remote start for manual transmission vehicles. I offer an alarm by Ultrastarter that is inexpensive and has good quality as well as a manual transmission compatibilty.

If you need a unit I can send it with the best locations and colors to everything. Call (813)882-8477 for added info.

Andy Buzz