8 March 2006
I am thinking of setting up a local NSX and GTR meet locally in MA. I will cross post in NAGTROC. Can I get a list of who would be interested? I am not expecting too many people but it will be an interesting meet. Might be in Boston.

Please let me know if you think you might be able to attend.
Ok Dave, the $25,000. question, what day works for you? I suggest Sun Oct 28. This way there is time to plan. Now where do you have in mind?
I was going to do this in the spring. It's a bit late now some cars are already put away.

Did you sign in on the roll call thread? I will use that thread to contact everyone.
It depends on the week. One at Larz as well as herb chambers Saturday. Last one was at Aston Martin. He one before was at BMW Sudbury. There was also a massive mass tuning meet, mine was the third nsx, that was about 4000 cars. Cars and copters is coming up. There is always something but I only go if there is no track event I am doing then. Standing around with a bunch of guys and talking about your car gets old after about 20 minutes. The track is heart poundingly fun.
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