MA Caravan to Lime Rock

5 June 2006
Metrowest, MA
For those who are interested, I propose meeting up at the Westbound Charlton service/info center to meet up on our way to Lime Rock. It is at mile marker 80.39 according to the Mass Pike Website. According to Google, a 7:15 meeting time should give us enough time to get to Lime Rock by 9:00-9:30. If someone has experience either way to the contrary, we could move the meet time +/- 15 mins as needed. I will update the post below if we change the location or the time.

Meet at:

Wesbound Charlton Service Center
Mass Pike Mile Marker 80.39
7:15 AM
Lived in MA for 20 years now... never heard of Charlton... but if you guys insist it exists and you are not just trying to get me to a remote area where you will try to steal my supercharger, then OK.
Charlton is near Southbridge. Which way are you guys going from there? Maybe meet up with us CT guys somewhere further southwest.
Yeah it would be nice to meet up together.
Charlton is near Southbridge. Which way are you guys going from there? Maybe meet up with us CT guys somewhere further southwest.

I think we're heading West on the Pike until Exit 2 and then heading south from there so I'm not sure we'll have overlapping routes. But we'll definitely see you at the track! :)
I think we're heading West on the Pike until Exit 2 and then heading south from there so I'm not sure we'll have overlapping routes. But we'll definitely see you at the track! :)

It looks a lot quicker to take the pike to 202/10 south then 219 west to 44 west. I have never driven those so I can't speak to what the roads are like. Or take pike further west to 8 south to 44 west. Either of those ways will probably hook you up with the rest of us. Can anyone that lives out that way chime in about these being good roads? Any good easy to see parking spots to meet up with the MA guys?
It looks a lot quicker to take the pike to 202/10 south then 219 west to 44 west. I have never driven those so I can't speak to what the roads are like. Or take pike further west to 8 south to 44 west. Either of those ways will probably hook you up with the rest of us. Can anyone that lives out that way chime in about these being good roads? Any good easy to see parking spots to meet up with the MA guys?

Believe me, you don't want to take Rte 44. As I mentioned in a different post, it's like Rte 9 in Mass, only worse. Four lane highway with traffic lights at every shopping center that seems to go on for 10-20 miles. Although the Mass Pike is a tad longer mileage-wise, it's a bit faster and less nerve-wracking.
We're already in CT, 44 is the only way to get there for almost all of us going.
Sorry, missed that (CT) in your profile. In looking at MS MapPoint, 44 appears to be the best way for you to get there. I think those of us coming from central Mass will more than likely be heading out to exit 2 on the Pike.
Isn't the point to form up & arrive in a caravan? Not make the best possible time. I still don't see how going way northwest on the end of the pike is going to save you much time on a southwesterly trip.
Just got the email from TyraNSX on the caravan hookups. Wow, some serious effort went into this, Tony!! Thanks for putting in all this work to get folks hooked up. I'll head out whichever way the groups decide and join in the caravan out to Lime Rock.

(And, as Tony found out, my email is incorrectly listed on the flyer that was sent out by Peter as [email protected] - it should be

From my point of view, the guys from MA should still plan on meeting at the Charlton service center on the Mass Pike rather than in Auburn. It's just an easier spot to meet and it isn't past 84 so we don't have to backtrack.

From there we have 3 options. 1. Meet the CT/RI guys at Acura of Avon and take back roads. 2. Meet just before the track in Canaan. On Google Maps there is a Lawrence Field right near where 7 and 44 come together (next to Gandolfo Dr.) that could be a good meeting spot. 3. Just meet at the track since we'll be parked with each other in the corral anyway.

I would lean towards option 2 or 3 but am happy to go with whatever the group decides.
MA guys can meet whereever, I don't know the area well at all. I can find my way to Charlton & Auburn I was trying to pick some place where all roads led that is easy to find, hard to miss, and should have open parking, especially early in the day. With easy access & no front lip shredding dips.

44 is not a back road, just slow. Does anyone know how to reach the guy in Bedford, NH or the [email protected] (sp?) guy? Their emails are no good.

Could people update their profile info (below avatar) with your town & state? In any emails we send, please put in your Prime screen name too.
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I'm open to whatever you guys decide. You do the hard work and just tell me where to go.
44 is not a back road, just slow. Does anyone know how to reach the guy in Bedford, NH or the [email protected] (sp?) guy? Their emails are no good.

I have phone numbers and email addresses as of the latest club database as of 6/1/07. I don't have the full list of attendees with me so if you can give me the name of the NH member I will PM the info to you. I am sending the email address for Eric by PM now. Let me know if you need his snail mail address.
Alright Massachusetts slackers... here's the plan. Meet at the Westbound Charlton service center on the Mass Pike no later than 7AM. We'll be taking the Mass Pike out west to Exit 2, then South on 20, 7, & 41. We'll meet up with the CT guys at the track.
The drive down the back roads once we got off the Pike was pretty incredible! Having owned my 91 only two months, I'm still learning its capabilities. Some really nice twisties and a fun ride showing off the handling of an amazing sportscar. The ride was an absolute blast. Thanks to Wick for the backroad tour!