Lurker turned user for my brother's sake

16 January 2005
Upstate, NY
Hello, I've been reading these forums for about a year, and I must say this is the most informative, on topic, and helpful discussion board I have ever seen. I'm here to communicate for my brother who currently owns a 92 black/black with 40,xxx miles. He's thinking about going FI, but that's for discussion in the appropriate forum. Anyway, just thought I'd introduce myself and say thank you for all of the information that is presented.

brosNSX said:
Hello, I've been reading these forums for about a year, and I must say this is the most informative, on topic, and helpful discussion board I have ever seen. I'm here to communicate for my brother who currently owns a 92 black/black with 40,xxx miles. He's thinking about going FI, but that's for discussion in the appropriate forum. Anyway, just thought I'd introduce myself and say thank you for all of the information that is presented.



I have 2 questions! When are you getting your NSX and when is your brother going to join NSXPrime? Welcome to the best NSX site in the world! I actually didnt find this site until after I bought my NSX, but have learned SO MUCH from the FAQ Section and the members. I hope you both enjoy! Oh one more question... Have you driven your brother's car yet? I finally let my 2 older, but younger brothers drive mine and I loved it I think as much as they did:-) I haven't seen smiles like that from either one of them ever...

Again Welcome!
