lunch this sat?

21 October 2001
Katy, TX.
hello to all houston nsxers,
planning a sat lunch gtg this sat 7-31 around noon!
pls come out to meet the new and old owners!! how about meeting this sat 12pm at Post Oak Starbuck and Jambo juice parking lot?
Thats jacked up Tommy!!!! wait till Z and I are out of town huh? HATER!!! Nah just clowning with ya. Im hoping to be back saturday so I may make it out. Damn. I would rather hang with the crew then enjoy my ONLY vacation this year. huh!
yes, still on! i think at least 4 nsx guys going to be there! Z aka nsxforyouass, lonfast, and paul is not going to make it! :(

we might meet early, like between 11:30 to noon, and head to group lunch!! just keep checking back this thread!
Wait up!

Guys, Guys...

Can you wait for me? I'll Arrive Houston Saturday evening.

It's been hella long time since I last had the chance for a NSX group thing!

Sunday anyone? Please? Pretty Please?

Well, if I can't make it. Would you guys take some photo for me?

Robert Chen
a reminder!!

ok, guys! pls come for lunch gtg tomorrw! how about 11:30am at jumbo juice and starbuck parking lot at post oak!!
see you guys there!
Hey guys!!! Just wanted to drop in and say hello. I'll be back in Houston Sunday evening, so I'll be missing this get together. Good news, I got a chance to meet some of the Toronto NSX group. :)

Take care, see you guys soon,
- Z
ahhh we missed u guys out there!! Z, Darren, and Patrick were MIA..out saving the world again!!

It was great!! but there is always a next time!!:D
next gtg

hi y'all
the last sat. meeting is cool , i have post the invitation of birthday party , for this weekend hope that y'all can make it. i like to meet all the nsxer that i missed last time ..
thank you budd..for that welcome me in the nsx prime..
pk thank!!