Lunch story

24 July 2017
Torrance, Ca
This would make a great commercial.

My buddy and I go to lunch every couple of weeks to an Italian restaurant.

He makes me drive the NSX, he LOVES the car, he picks up the lunch tab.

We are sitting outside and an older couple are about to leave.

She has a solid head of grey hair, almost looks like Barbara Bush.

No cane or shuffle, but her husband is a bit stooped over and I can tell she is the driver.

She was walking around the NSX checking it out.

She spots my buddy and I sitting outside watching her and I flash her a thumbs up.

She turns to face me and flashes a big thumbs up right back.......
Nice story ... now send the idea to Acura marketing department :)
I think I saw a 13 millisecond shot of an NSX in a TV commercial about the MDX? Hard for people to buy the car if no one even knows it exists.