Lubing Weatherstrip

18 January 2007
I searched the forum and I couldn't find a definitive lube for the weatherstrip. I didn't find anything listed in the service manuel either. So I looked at what other manufacturers used and the overwhelming consensus was that Di-Electric grease was the stuff OEM's recommend for the preservative/protectant on weatherstrips.

It's pricey if you buy the little tubes, but I was able to find a bigger can and massaged some into the weatherstrips. I let it sit for a while and wiped off the excess and it seems to have brought new life into the strips. :D
I just wanted to post some non-anecdotal info, I know everyone has their personal favorites - but I just wanted to put some info out there about what an OEM would recommend.
I used to own and S2000 and maintaining the weather strip for the convertable top was very important. Shinetsu grease was recommended to me by Honda dealership. In fact you can purchase it from honda dealerships
I used to own and S2000 and maintaining the weather strip for the convertable top was very important. Shinetsu grease was recommended to me by Honda dealership. In fact you can purchase it from honda dealerships

What exactly is Shinestu grease? Could be di-electric grease based? Its weird how Honda doesn't list a lube for the weatherstrip, but it lists Urea grease to lube the window rails???
Shin-etzu grease..... it's a silicone-based grease. Most all dealerships carry it, it's on their list o stuff to have. It's not manufactured by Honda, but it has a Honda part number.....
This is the best stuff to use on the weatherstrips - trust me, i know :wink:
i have a can of silicone lubricant (pyroil)... it's not thick, it's liquid. would
something like that work for lubricating the weather strip.

by weatherstrip, do you guys mean the foam like material or the rubber?
i have a can of silicone lubricant (pyroil)... it's not thick, it's liquid. would
something like that work for lubricating the weather strip.

by weatherstrip, do you guys mean the foam like material or the rubber?

I love when everyone makes it clear what to use, and there's always one guy who's like 'but I have a can of this...can't I use it?'
No dude, get the right stuff for the job :smile: .

Shin-etzu grease, Urea grease, Monkey's alll good.
I've been using Shinetsu grease for the weatherstrip.

Some also uses 303 aerospace protectant. Both work great but I prefer the Shinetsu

sojusoulja, Can I ask what you like better about the Shinetsu better than the 303? I just started using 303 because I thought the Shinetsu could be messy. Is it just preference? Maybe I am liking the 303 because I can use it on almost everything.(Lazy sometimes) :biggrin:

Thanks. Take care. Enjoy. Drive.
