Lowering Springs

25 September 2002
I know this has been discussed to some degree here and in FAQ's. However I need some fresh input on lowering my NSX using springs only. I want a drop of approx 1.0-1.5 F/R. I have 17' fronts & 18" rears on stock suspension.
My questions are:

1) I simply want a lower stance without the sacrifice of handling by using springs only. Is this the preferred method?

2) Is it that difficult an installation, (DIY) if you have a coil spring compressor. And are there any other special tools required?

4) I am considering the following springs, any opinions?

B+G F/R 1.4/1.4
Comptech F/R 1.5/1.5
Tanabe F/R 1.3/1.3
Tein F/R .7/1.0
H&G F/R 1.5/1.5 ?

Any other "issues" to consider, (tire wear,rubbing,problems,etc.)

Your feedback is welcome, Thank you in advance,



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#1. What is 'sacrifice'? Are you looking the same ride? Sportier/Firmer? Softer/more comfortable?

#2 I just have zanardis/Konis on my living room floor. We'll find out together. You DO have get it re-aligned though.

#3 (uhh, is there a #3?)

#4 If you are happy with the handling as is, I would say get bilsteins and install on the lower perch (~1" drop), keep the stock springs, realign and call it a day!

(other problems)
Clearance: Got a steep driveway? Want to install WW lip? Take all this into account, lest you find yourself scraping.
I would agree with Mark, for your purposes go with the stock springs and Bilsteins on the lower perch.

If you just want springs you could also go Eibach springs with stock shocks, but listen tot he driveway comment:), it will be lower slightly then the bilstiens and much lower then the Koni/Zanardi combo.

BTW, The Zanardis will be comparatively higher in the front compared to other "lower" setups. Just an FYI, you will notice the "rake" of the car is pretty flat.

As far as DIY, have you done coil over shocks before? Do you have a spring compressor, impact gun??

FYI, I have heard the Billstein is only going to give you a .75" drop on the lower perch, not 1.0". Not a big deal, but if you are expecting an inch and don't get it that might make a difference. For the heck of it, the Billstein is what I am considering for mine.
I may be wrong, but i've read somewhere that bilsteins give 7/8 of an inch drop. I have bilsteins on the lower perch setting and did not notice and lowering right after installation, but it's been almost a year since i've installed it and the car has settled and the "gap" is just right... i'm running 17/18 btw.

Just like Mike and Larry suggests, if you like the handling of the car now, stick with bilsteins..... i have no complaints with mine. ;)
I have the Eibach and Koni combination, with the WW front airdam. Looks great. I can't enter any underground parking place anymore now. Clearance is 9 cm. US-guys do the calculation into inches yourselves :-)


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what kind of sprigs are you lookin for like sport springs or race springs what kind of driving will you be doing? On the list you have chossen i would choose i type of tein spring i have never heard anyone with a problem with those. very popular