LoveFav Twin Intercoolers and Air Cond Condensers

1 April 2006
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
I am running the twin Lovefab intercoolers placed directly in front of the 2 air cond condensers as recommended by LoveFab. Since then i have been having problems with my air cond unit. It is just not cold enough.

Anyone else using the Lovefav twin intercoolers? Any solutions to this problem?

I am contemplating relocating either the intercoolers or the condensers. Any suggestions will be much appreciated.

As someone who has been in the HVAC industry for well over a decade, I can tell you that doing that is not a good idea. I won't bore you with the technical details, but I would not recommend it. Would it work? In so much as peeing in your radiator to fill it up would "work" but there are long term consequences of doing that.

The problem is a very simple issue of thermal transfer. Air conditioners are very simple. They move heat from one spot to another. When I remove heat from one space (the inside of car) I need to be able to reject it to another place (the outside of car). The capacity of the air condition system is directly related to the temperature difference of the inside of your car to the outside of your car. The hotter the outside gets, the less cool you can make the inside of your car.

So when you put your intercoolers infront of your AC condensers, instead of the AC system trying to reject heat at the ambient temperature (say 95 F) the intercoolers are now increasing the temperature in front of the condensers. So now they are trying to reject heat at 120F. It can't keep up so as a consequence the temperature inside you car goes up.

For more capacity out of your AC system you need to keep your condensers as cool as possible. That would mean relocating your intercoolers elsewhere so they aren't rejecting heat right in front of your AC condensers. If you can't do that, then you'll just have to bite the bullet and recognize the reduced capacity of your AC system as a result.
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Placing the heat exchangers in front of the A/C condensers reduces the effectiveness of the A/C condensers in the same way that playing the heat exchangers reduces the effectiveness of the radiator. Both compromises based on the limitation of real estate and the access to fresh air in the front of the car. In our experience, the front center mounted heat exchanger is a better approach because the radiator's size can be increased if heat management is an issue where the A/C condensers would be much more expensive to engineer a change. Example shown here:
I do not have a picture handy but we mounted ours in the center. Not blocking the radiator but off towards the sides of the radiator. And hung them a little higher as to allow as much air as possible through the radiator.
Thanks for all your posts.

Sourcensx, are you using a single heat exchanger or 2 heat exchangers but mount it in the centre in front of the radiator? A picture will be much appreciated.

Clearly locating the heat exchangers in front of the condensers will lessen the effectiveness of the A/C but so will a low freon charge.
Is that up to par? If you're at 75% and reduce the efficiency by 30% you wind up at 45%. If you are at 95% and lose 30% you wind up at 65%.
Over 50% is better than under 50% but I will say from my experience my LoveFab A/C works just fine. However, a year and a half ago I replaced the evap and the freon was topped off at that time.
The air cond works ok now. It is not as cold as before the LoveFab twin waic installation but tolerable. The main culprit of the problem is the air cond condenser fan fuse!
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Explain. Was there some sort of intermittent problem?

I dont understand your question. Could you please elaborate on the type of intermittent problem that you are referring to?
What was the fuse doing? How did you track it down? What led you to it?

I read lots of post on air cond problem on nsxprime and came across one about the air cond condenser fan fuse. I checked the fuse box and discovered that the fuse is blown. After replacing it, i drove the car for a few days and am pleased to confirm that the air cond is a lot cooler thought not as cold as before the the Love Fab twin WAIC installationg.