Here are some pictures I took at the track a while back of an NSX. I could never find the owner so I'm not sure who it was or if he's on this site. Hope you like! The original pictures are about 10x this size, so if you want a very high res. picture, just let me know. He's got a Gruppe M supercharger and he ran a 12.5 the day I took the pictures.
I was also wondering if anyone could tell me if this exhaust was the Taitec Lightweight or the JGTC center-out.
[This message has been edited by Midnight Hour (edited 12 February 2003).]
I was also wondering if anyone could tell me if this exhaust was the Taitec Lightweight or the JGTC center-out.
[This message has been edited by Midnight Hour (edited 12 February 2003).]