Lotus Esprit vs Honda NSX

14 September 2004
These two cars are very similiar. Mid-engince, exotic, great handling, but there are some differences. One of the differences is the engine.. Esprit is v8TT 350hp @ 6500rpm 295lb @ 4200rpms. The chasis is also different and suspension setup.. I believe its a lot stiffer and more aggressive since the NSX is more of luxury car (very comfortable compare to the Esprit!)

I like the NSX for its easy handling and drivability. It's a very nice daily driver. To easy to driver and handle. I like how it comes with a lot of new technology.

However, When it comes down to pure bred race car, I believe it falls behind the Esprit. There are some things that the Esprit does not have the NSX does have: TCS, LSD. One thing I love about the Esprit is its handling and suspension setup. I love how its not a computer driven car comapare to the NSX. It takes a lot more driving technique to fully unleash the beast!

What do you guys think?
here's some food for thought

348 vs P911 vs Lotus Espirit SE vs NSX


The Lotus is not tied down to the road as tightly, and its turbo four-cylinder engine – which actually produces more straight -line urge than any other car here – is smooth and refined. But it has no music, no magic, and the throttle response of a turbo car is never good."

The Lotus has its engine in the right place, but it doesn't have the right engine. A good turbo (and by turbo standards, it is good) just cannot hack it with three of the finest normally aspirated engines ever made. True, it revs briskly and smoothly to the 7300rpm red-line. And it packs a mighty wallop – all from 2.2 litres and only four cylinders (it's good for 264bhp). But it matters little whence in came; what matters is how it goes.

Drive hard on a public road, and the engine drifts on and off boost, denying you the instant acceleration always available in the other three. There is far less engine braking, too, another corollary of turbo engines – and that means you cannot delicately balance the car's handling by using the accelerator pedal. To boot, the gearchange is easily the worst of the four (our test car, not the finest Esprit SE we have tested, had really vague shift) and the engine got boomy on the motorway.

More surprising is how far behind the others is the Esprit's chassis. On Castle Combe, the car understeered badly when pressing on; the main reason its lap time was the worst (best: 1min 15.6). On the Durham moors, the front end never felt securely tied down, the steering feeling peculiarly lifeless. The brakes felt dead, although they worked well enough. It just didn't compete, this Lotus, in any area other than straight-line urge (0-60mph in 4.7sec. 0-100mph in 11.9 – the best of the bunch). Given all the nice things we've said about the SE, this car was a major disappointment. It finishes a poor fourth in this comparison.

Less disappointing was the Esprit's interior, if only because we already know this was pretty awful. The Lotus gets plenty of leather – although it's not of the same quality as the Ferrari's Connolly hides – and seats which look inviting, once you can get into them (access is horribly limited, owing to the insufficient sweep of the door, and to the high sills you have to hurdle). But what really spoils the show is the appalling quality switchgear, no better than you'd get on an average kit car.

again this is just one author's comparo
I think that you are probably accurate when you describe the ease of driving an NSX fast vs driving an Esprit fast.

Ive not driven an Esprit, so I cannot confirm. I believe that youre right because the NSX is probably one of the easiest cars to take up to its limit; its so good at this that some find it less exciting. If exciting for you is a departure from the track, then the NSX is probably not for you! Instructors driving my car have been absolutely shocked at how you can put the car anywhere on the track, even off line, and you can pull through a corner without the car complaining or shedding a ton of speed. It's a miraculus track car in my very naive and biased opinion :D.

Is the Esprit more of a "race car" - I donno. Id suggest that many would say that it is not. Harder to drive fast? Almost certainly.
My experiences with the Esprit was pre-V8...4 banger turbo. The car was much like the NSX except with Lucas electrical gremlins EVERYWHERE...and leaking engine fluids.
In June of '99, Road and Track along with Mario Andretti did a comparo on
"The Best Handling Cars in America"....The Zanardi NSX, Corvette, Viper, F355 Ferrari, Lotus Esprit V8, and the 911 C4 Porsche.The verdict was...

1. C4
2. NSX
3. Viper
4. F355
5. Corvette
6. Lotus Esprit V8

His analysis of the Esprit was:

"The Esprit is a car that if you drive it at 8/10ths, it's a lot of fun. But if you have to hustle it at 10/10ths, it becomes unsettled. The rear begins hiking up, disrupting the feeling and balance of the car, and the inside rear tire lifts off the ground. Also, the turbocharged
engine isn't that flexible so you can't corner with just the throttle. Only if you hold back a little does the car reward you with good cornering feel and response."

The NSX critique was:

"The NSX is all understeer, but for a road car that's desireable because an understeering car is safer than one that oversteers. It is very stable and possesses a flat feel. But the best thing about this car is that, if you want to let your hair down, it will let you. Ask for more and the car gives it to you. Actually, I'm not that surprised that NSX lap times were the second fastest because it was the car I was most comfortable in."

Regarding the NSX 2nd place finish R & T comments were:

With a little more horsepower, or a slightly better steering system, it could have easily been standing above them all."
I know someone with a V8 Esprit, and I get the idea that he hates it. While it's hard enough to get him out of his SL55, I think he prefers the Cadillac XLR he used to own, or even his H2! The car is just too brutal, so it sits in his garage.... :confused:
I prefer this article


As the NSX featured is my car :)

The Esprit has always been the faster etc etc etc, but look at reliability and resale values. They dictate the 'Better' car.

Have any of you heard of the "winking syndrome"? Apparently, if water gets into certain electrical components in the Esprit, one of the headlights will pop up and down repeatedly as if the car is winking at you. Glad that's not an issue with the NSX! :cool:
Having been in the auto business for many years prior to my moving to NYC to attain loftier aspirations as an art dealer I have a LOT of experience with almost every other exotic known to man from the 348-355 Ferrari's to the 911turbo and even the dreaded Lamborghini! Old school thought was that an exotic had to be tempermental and slightly unreliable and fragile to be considered a blueblood supercar..I think Honda/ Acura changed all of that with the introduction of the NSX....I am certainly glad Lotus is still around thanks to the success of the Elise/ Exige but when I tell you that the Esprit was so outdated and poorly made it made me cringe believe it! Maybe in all-out numbers the Lotus V-8 turbo has a slight advantage but after all of the oil and other numerous fluids leak out what are you left with but a can of warm Briish beer!
Hothonda said:
In June of '99, Road and Track along with Mario Andretti did a comparo on
"The Best Handling Cars in America"....The Zanardi NSX, Corvette, Viper, F355 Ferrari, Lotus Esprit V8, and the 911 C4 Porsche.The verdict was...

1. C4
2. NSX
3. Viper
4. F355
5. Corvette
6. Lotus Esprit V8

WHOA! for a second there i thought that meant C4 .... CORVETTE!! LOL
hah... I thought he meant the c4 corvette..wheew. I feel better now knowing that's not what he meant.
I was just saying today in the can when looking at the calender with the Lotus on it how that is a cool car just like my nsx but wow i really glad i didnt buy the one i sat in and that is the reason i didnt buy it because it was just horrible to sit in and nothing fit me and i had to wear my high heels to hit the pedals which made me look silly without a skirt and just jeans and heels so i gave that up to buy the nsx because its like the best seat in the house and its more car than little old me can handle cause maybe i get dizzy or black out from too much fun and giggle and get a migraine so then i have to take pills and thats my thoughts.
Take a breath! :biggrin:

ffffanman said:
I was just saying today in the can when looking at the calender with the Lotus on it how that is a cool car just like my nsx but wow i really glad i didnt buy the one i sat in and that is the reason i didnt buy it because it was just horrible to sit in and nothing fit me and i had to wear my high heels to hit the pedals which made me look silly without a skirt and just jeans and heels so i gave that up to buy the nsx because its like the best seat in the house and its more car than little old me can handle cause maybe i get dizzy or black out from too much fun and giggle and get a migraine so then i have to take pills and thats my thoughts.
pbassjo said:
One look while on a lift will make clear the stark differences.

I know exactly what you mean ..When you look at how an Old school and even the "New school" Esprit is built It is shocking that they are even alowed on the public roads....I like the Road and Track quote about the shifter is like a kit car....If they looked closer they would see that the rest of the car is built that way too.

I once did some work on an older Esprit and the engine cover was made from plywood:eek: ..No joke
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The Esprit to me is an ergonomic nightmare. They improved a little in 99, but still not where near as nice as the NSX inside for me.

Nonetheless, I think the 99+ esprit look great and I would love to drive one.
Funny, two nights ago I was going to the grocery store and I saw a red Esprit pulled over with the engine compartment open and two guys were looking blankly at the engine. After shopping for about 15-20 mins I was leaving and saw the car in the back of the lot. All I could think as I drove by was "Shoulda bought an NSX".