Lord of the Ring III: anyone?

23 October 2001
Zürich, Switzerland
Tomorrow I am going to the national premiere in Switzerland (maybe in Europa). I CANNOT WAIT! :D :D :D

In the last three days I saw the first two episodes again to be in perfect shape for the event. Somebody already saw this?

I know that several premieres took place in the US this week. I would like to hear any opinion (spoiler excluded :cool: :mad: ).
gheba_nsx said:
You have the DVDs of the "Return of the king"??? :eek:

I think the 2 dvd's he's talking about is the Fellowship and 2 Towers.

Anyway, I'm going to the first showing tonight at midnight. I expect to be home way past 4 a.m. Get 3 hours sleep and be in time for work at 8am.

If you don't hear from me tomorrow, I called in sick! ;)
Joel said:
I think the 2 dvd's he's talking about is the Fellowship and 2 Towers.

You are correct sir:) My 10 yr old son loves the movies. He has the action figures and is getting the video games for x mas. I wasn't crazy about the movie at first, but the more I watched it, the more I like it.
Opps, sorry! :p
Sometime I forget that not everybody is as movie fanatic as me! :D

I thought you really had the LOTR-3 aleady in DVD (since it does really already exist, several New Line executives have it and there are rumors that it leaked outside the corporation already...). In a couple months it will be available thru Hong Kong for sure, last year I got LOTR2 in Fenbruary on DVD with the DTS audio track! :D

PS. I am going to buy the official DVD version anyway, the Extended editions are so much better... I am not a pirate, it is only that I cannot wait and I need it before. :cool:
They are all camping out for tonight's midnight show here in Southern California.

I am seeing it tomorrow with the wife on the local IMAX screen as well.

As much as I'm dying to see it, I can't possible do the midnight screening. Already I've nearly fallen asleep in spots of Fellowship and Towers...there's no way I'd make it past the first quarter of ROTK.

My coworkers are going tomorrow, but my wife wants to wait until the weekend.
I'm going to see it tomorrow morning. One of our hardware vendors rented out a theater, and sent out invitations to its customers. I enjoyed the first two, I am looking forward to this one.

So I am the first one that have seen it now then? :D :D :D :D

I just came home from the cinema..it is 0326.. I will have to get up in 4 hours and go to work...but it was all worth it.

I read the books many many years ago and that was okey because the things they have changed to get it to "flow" did not bother me.

What can I say about the movie..hmm great..spactacular..great end to a great trilogy..

I did get a bit sappy at the end I admit that..

Well..now it is to bed..I will fall asleep with a great smile on my face.. this was just fantastic..

I will see if I can get a better review of the film posted here when things have settled.. :)

Yaawwwwwnnnnnn....excuse me. So sleeppy...zzzz...cough, hmm, wha?! Oh, man! It can't be 8:00 already. Time to get up. <sigh>

Came home at 4 am after watching the midnight first screening. I'm tired but couldn't call in sick.

Anyway, great movie. Don't wanna spoil it for the rest of you. Suspenseful here and there. Love story didn't take the lion's share of the movie which is good. Do yourselves a favor, see it in a big theater with THX or DTS. Sound is vital here. Saw it at AMC and it sucked.

Going back to sleep now. Hope the boss don't see me.

I know how you feel, Joel, I went to bed at 3, and got up before 7am to see the movie. Jeez it was hard to wake up, but it was worth the pain though! At nearly 3.5 hours, you definitely get more for your dollar than any other movie this year. Still, I didn't find it slow at all. Actually, they could've added more material and stretched it into two movies if they wanted to. I heard Peter Jackson cut 1.5 hours from the movie, and you can tell. The battle scenes seemed shorter than the second movie, and they glossed over some pretty major details. (Maybe the extended DVD edition will do a more thorough job of telling the story.) However, I'm glad they took time to wrap things at the end, instead of just ending the movie after the climax--as many films do.

Here's the CNN review, it's pretty much right on.
The last hour of the movie was utterly boring, everytime I thought the movie was going to end, it dragged on longer. When I looked around I can can hear the people in the threaters gathering their items ready to leave, and then a collectively sigh of, "when is this movie going to end?" Granted, the battle scenes were mesmorizing, but hour long fights between good and evil gathered more than a few yawns from the crowd. CG graphics and beautiful scenery aside, I thought this movie was a letdown from the Two Towers.
Question: What happened to Christopher Lee's character (white wizard) in ROTK? He didn't make one single appearance. The two towers showed him accepting defeat after he was ambushed by rather tall, walking/talking plants but did they address what happened to him in ROTK? Maybe I might have just missed it.
Joel said:
Question: What happened to Christopher Lee's character (white wizard) in ROTK? He didn't make one single appearance.
Ah, you must've blinked when they showed that scene. I don't want to post any spoilers, but remember the first scene (I think) when Gandalf & the gang meets up with Pippin & Merry? They talked about him then, and briefly showed him. PM me if you still don't remember.

Like I said, they cut out a lot of scenes, and this was probably one of them. It will (hopefully) be shown in more detail in the extended DVD version.
I seen the movie twice today(my butt is sore from sitting so long!) I don't remember seeing Saruman at all. They talked about him and the dwarf wanted his head but Gandalf said not to and that he does not have any power now.

Great movie IMO. My wifes b-day today so I took her for the 10am show and took the kids for the 5pm show. My wife had a suprise party for her and the girls:) , so she couldn't have gone to the pm show with us.
Lord of the Rings -Return of the King

You definately get your moneys worth with this movie. 3 hours 20 minutes of a great story. Too bad it had to end. I guess the Hobbit is next for Peter Jackson.
Re: Lord of the Rings -Return of the King

Tantheman said:
I guess the Hobbit is next for Peter Jackson.

He's doing King Kong next with a 150M budget. I don't think he did a great job editing Return of the King, many parts were left out making the storytelling seem choppy, and the ending was way too long. The first two were much better, but I still immensly enjoyed ROTK.
that's one thing i don't understand about all 3 episodes. i've seen the extended versions of I and II....they're excellent and makes the scenes come together much better.....so many times i said to myself "now the original theatrical scene made sense"

for example, in the extended version of part II (hope i don't spoil it for anyone), the background of aragorn was given....he's actually a different type of human....one that lives a bit longer than normal humans and he's actually pretty old already....that gives more credibility to his character....why he runs faster than others, have incredible endurance and strength and possess great intellect.

i never understood why these versions aren't released in the theaters....is this a marketing scheme??? to bring in more revenue???

extra 1/2 hour in each movie makes a huge difference to the overall storyline......folks that aren't familiar with tokien's work will better understand the movie and flow of the story.

for those that feel things have been left out of part 3, save about $60 and get yourselves the deluxe special edition ROTK.....i bet many scenes will surface that were in the original books.....