loose window with new regulator

11 May 2003
I have just removed the passenger side door panel of my recently purchased '91 to check for the window regulator issue. The good news is that I have the new regulator with the wrapping metal pieces.

However, the bad news is that the window rotates about 5-10 degrees both clockwise and counterclockwise... standing between the open door and the car, holding the window with both hands like a steering wheel and rotating it. Is this normal?

The problem is that the window sometimes rubs against the car at the top rear corner when closing the door, and at times making it difficult to close it.

This issue existed before removing anything, and was actually the main driver for checking the regulators. This behavior exists on the driver side also.

Any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks!

PS... This is my first post, but I've been checking this site religiously for about the past six months. Great site!
i just had a new regulator put into my 91. i had originally used the dali racing fix-it thingies, but i had the same problem you had, a spot that would rub. mine was rubbing on a broken piece of the inside door latch. while the guy was in there, he fixed the rubbing areas 'as much as possible'. right now the window works flawlessly, but i am skeptical about the long haul. the replacement parts were not cheap...

I think I've fixed it so I'm posting my experience in case anybody else runs into the same problem. After playing around with it for a bit, I noticed that there are two "stops" that allow you to adjust the travel limit of the window. Apparently, these weren't aligned/adjusted properly causing rotation of the window at the top, thus rubbing when closing the door. Thanks for the response.