Loose shock tower bolts- Thanks NSX Prime!!!!!

15 October 2003
Pacific Northwest
I read with interest about an owner who heard a "thump"
in the rear wheel area of his car..someone suggested looking
at the shock mounts in the engine compartment. I also was hearing
an occassional "thump" and ever since I had my CGI Bilsteins in-
stalled I've felt the car was not as stable as it should have been.
After my drive from Seattle down to NSXPO and noticing in the twistys
that my car felt "loose" and unstable, I played with tire pressures and
when I arrived back home, had it realigned....it still was not right but
I chaulked it up to my paranonia. This morning I went out and found
the 3 nuts that hold the shock in place we holding on by only two threads
each and there was about a 1/2" of thread showing below the bottom of the
nut. I was alarmed to say the least. You have to take the black shroud
that sits below the glass hatch to get at all the bolts. I did, tightened
the nuts up and checked the rest of them in the car-front and back and
they were all okay. Took it for a test drive and it now felt great.

I can only surmise, that the tech forgot to tightenen them down. I'm not
sure how dangerous it would be if a rear shock came loose at 100 MPH
but I'm sure it wouldn't be pretty. Thanks to NSX Prime for the solution!!!