Looks like Porsche is doing what Honda should be doing...


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What is interesting about this is that Porsche in this economic climate builds this 918 and then the 918 RSR to race. The reason they can pull this off is that they have a history of exciting new state of the art sports cars - something that Honda fails to understand. You can't go at making sports cars one every once in a while - you have to build your reputation and keep building it so that you can sell something at a high price. Reputation is built on winning races and working at it not just building a show car and barely changing it over 15 years and calling it a day! You have to keep at it to build a "REAL" reputation. Like Porsche and Ferrari, Lambo and Aston Martin - hell Jaguar and Lotus - what the hell is wrong with Honda anyway. They just must feel uncomfortable trying to stay in competition with the real sports car manufacturers.

Too bad - we have the one and only....is that going to be Honda's epitaph? Sad.....
What is interesting about this is that Porsche in this economic climate builds this 918 and then the 918 RSR to race. The reason they can pull this off is that they have a history of exciting new state of the art sports cars - something that Honda fails to understand. You can't go at making sports cars one every once in a while - you have to build your reputation and keep building it so that you can sell something at a high price. Reputation is built on winning races and working at it not just building a show car and barely changing it over 15 years and calling it a day! You have to keep at it to build a "REAL" reputation. Like Porsche and Ferrari, Lambo and Aston Martin - hell Jaguar and Lotus - what the hell is wrong with Honda anyway. They just must feel uncomfortable trying to stay in competition with the real sports car manufacturers.

Too bad - we have the one and only....is that going to be Honda's epitaph? Sad.....

Well said, Tim!

What is interesting about this is that Porsche in this economic climate builds this 918 and then the 918 RSR to race. The reason they can pull this off is that they have a history of exciting new state of the art sports cars - something that Honda fails to understand. You can't go at making sports cars one every once in a while - you have to build your reputation and keep building it so that you can sell something at a high price. Reputation is built on winning races and working at it not just building a show car and barely changing it over 15 years and calling it a day! You have to keep at it to build a "REAL" reputation. Like Porsche and Ferrari, Lambo and Aston Martin - hell Jaguar and Lotus - what the hell is wrong with Honda anyway. They just must feel uncomfortable trying to stay in competition with the real sports car manufacturers.

Too bad - we have the one and only....is that going to be Honda's epitaph? Sad.....

Tim I agree, Honda has fallen behind the times with their true sports cars, NSX and S2000 now not being production vehicles. It's sad when you know what they are capable of based on past performance and racing heritage. However it seems that Honda is focusing on the mass market vehicles rather than specialty vehicles like the NSX. They never made money on the NSX it was just to show case their talent, I have a feeling Lexus is in the same boat with the LFA...it will be interesting to see if they continue to have a flagship sports car...one that you can't even buy out right for a lot of money.

Maybe Honda will change their mindset with the changing economic times...sadly a lot of their mass marketed vehicles strike me as bland these days. Hate to say it as I have only ever owned Honda vehicles but maybe that will change when I change my daily driver.
Tim I agree, Honda has fallen behind the times with their true sports cars, NSX and S2000 now not being production vehicles. It's sad when you know what they are capable of based on past performance and racing heritage. However it seems that Honda is focusing on the mass market vehicles rather than specialty vehicles like the NSX. They never made money on the NSX it was just to show case their talent, I have a feeling Lexus is in the same boat with the LFA...it will be interesting to see if they continue to have a flagship sports car...one that you can't even buy out right for a lot of money.

Maybe Honda will change their mindset with the changing economic times...sadly a lot of their mass marketed vehicles strike me as bland these days. Hate to say it as I have only ever owned Honda vehicles but maybe that will change when I change my daily driver.

I agree! My last four rides have been Hondas, but I doubt my next will be. Honda has lost the touch.

I agree! My last four rides have been Hondas, but I doubt my next will be. Honda has lost the touch.



They simply don't get it and their numbers show it. I simply can't understand what goes on in their marketing department. Nor do I care any longer. I currently own 4 Hondas. I plan to whittle that number down to 2 within a year and then down to 1 in the next 5 years. My NSX will be the only car to remain. The RL and S2000 will be the 1st to go!

They simply don't get it and their numbers show it. I simply can't understand what goes on in their marketing department. Nor do I care any longer. I currently own 4 Hondas. I plan to whittle that number down to 2 within a year and then down to 1 in the next 5 years. My NSX will be the only car to remain. The RL and S2000 will be the 1st to go!

Juice, what's wrong with the RL - I got my wife one and we like it and it sure is maintenance free. I'd rather have a bimmer though for a car that is a true sports sedan. I hate to say it but I believe the RL to be more luxury oriented than performance/handling oriented - a nice first try but they are not improving the car.

Now as to the other issues concerning Acura/Honda and their direction concerning sports cars. Here's what it boils down to and this is what separates Porsche, Jaguar, Aston Martin, Mercedes, Ford, Buick, Ferrari from Honda. Those guys RACE their cars - you don't build up a segment to buy your sports cars unless you race them! READ MY LIPS.

Why did Honda not do any better with the NSX - 2 reasons - they did a very poor job advertising and they never really won races in GT2 - you gotta win or at least compete on a regular basis as in 24 hours at LeMans, at Daytona, get on the circuit and stay there. Have a serious racing division that is honestly trying to compete! That's how you develop your cars, their suspension, their handling characteristics and a buyer base and IMPROVE THE MARQUE. People that are excited to buy because their cars are built by real RACERS! That's what has made Porsche, Aston, Jag, all the rest over the years including Ford and those that built the Cobra to beat the Euros and especially Ferrari! Let's get serious here - the last serious effort Acura made was LMP2 - then they quit that - what are they thinking - they cannot afford to rest on their LAURELS as the memory of those racing day laurels are quickly forgotten. You have to maintain a presence - you can't quit and go home and take you marbles and close down your test shop at the ring - let go all those great quality builders at the NSX plant.

Damn what is wrong with the Japanese - either they can compete or they can't - maybe they don't think they CAN compete.

You know there are a lot of die hard fans here and what do we do to continue when we have absolutely NO support from Acura for special race ware for our cars. They don't do anything but help us keep our cars running. They are a poor substitute for a true sports car company. Actually everyone is going smaller but Ferrari and Porsche. Mercedes is resting but they have TONS of history - they can afford that but not Honda. All us primers can do is aftermarket going to suspension upgrades and engine upgrades and even interior upgrades. It's all we have.

My rant for the day!!!
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So much for all the posts on Prime that said a hybrid 2nd gen NSX would be a stupid idea. Sounds like Porsche is out to prove us all wrong. Right or wrong, you have to admire their balls for showing some leadership.
What is interesting about this is that Porsche in this economic climate builds this 918 and then the 918 RSR to race. The reason they can pull this off is that they have a history of exciting new state of the art sports cars - something that Honda fails to understand. You can't go at making sports cars one every once in a while - you have to build your reputation and keep building it so that you can sell something at a high price. Reputation is built on winning races and working at it not just building a show car and barely changing it over 15 years and calling it a day! You have to keep at it to build a "REAL" reputation. Like Porsche and Ferrari, Lambo and Aston Martin - hell Jaguar and Lotus - what the hell is wrong with Honda anyway. They just must feel uncomfortable trying to stay in competition with the real sports car manufacturers.

Too bad - we have the one and only....is that going to be Honda's epitaph? Sad.....

COME ON HONDA!!!!!!!! What are you waiting on????
Juice, what's wrong with the RL - I got my wife one and we like it and it sure is maintenance free. I'd rather have a bimmer though for a car that is a true sports sedan. I hate to say it but I believe the RL to be more luxury oriented than performance/handling oriented - a nice first try but they are not improving the car.

Now as to the other issues concerning Acura/Honda and their direction concerning sports cars. Here's what it boils down to and this is what separates Porsche, Jaguar, Aston Martin, Mercedes, Ford, Buick, Ferrari from Honda. Those guys RACE their cars - you don't build up a segment to buy your sports cars unless you race them! READ MY LIPS.

Why did Honda not do any better with the NSX - 2 reasons - they did a very poor job advertising and they never really won races in GT2 - you gotta win or at least compete on a regular basis as in 24 hours at LeMans, at Daytona, get on the circuit and stay there. Have a serious racing division that is honestly trying to compete! That's how you develop your cars, their suspension, their handling characteristics and a buyer base and IMPROVE THE MARQUE. People that are excited to buy because their cars are built by real RACERS! That's what has made Porsche, Aston, Jag, all the rest over the years including Ford and those that built the Cobra to beat the Euros and especially Ferrari! Let's get serious here - the last serious effort Acura made was LMP2 - then they quit that - what are they thinking - they cannot afford to rest on their LAURELS as the memory of those racing day laurels are quickly forgotten. You have to maintain a presence - you can't quit and go home and take you marbles and close down your test shop at the ring - let go all those great quality builders at the NSX plant.

Damn what is wrong with the Japanese - either they can compete or they can't - maybe they don't think they CAN compete.

You know there are a lot of die hard fans here and what do we do to continue when we have absolutely NO support from Acura for special race ware for our cars. They don't do anything but help us keep our cars running. They are a poor substitute for a true sports car company. Actually everyone is going smaller but Ferrari and Porsche. Mercedes is resting but they have TONS of history - they can afford that but not Honda. All us primers can do is aftermarket going to suspension upgrades and engine upgrades and even interior upgrades. It's all we have.

My rant for the day!!!

Tim, you need what I'm having! LOL

Seriously though, the RL is a good car.. but not a great car. People want their sedan to be from the same blood line as the "halo" car. And you are 100 percent right; they must win races and fine tune their components (suspension, engine, etc). Right now RL and the rest of the line up really is just a copy of other cars out there. I didn't even consider Honda/Acura until I saw the NSX. Was Honda a one hit wonder? (2 if you count the S2000- which we really should).

If they do not bring NSX 2.0 to market, their loyal customers will find that edge in other products. Its already happening. I spoke to the GM at an Audi dealership and their sales are up 400% over the past 3 years. Coincidentally, that is when the R8 came out. In many ways that R8 may have killed Acura... where do you think all those buyers came from? Some from BMW and others, but no doubt many came from Honda/Acura. That R8 did it!

Maybe it is time to give up on Honda? Porsche has delivered consistently, BMW has as well. Maybe we are asking too much from Honda? Every day they delay they are losing more marketshare. Am I angry? yes. But at the end of the day I have money to spend on a sports car and if they don't produce a new NSX I will buy something else.. and when its time to replace my current car, it will be its blood relative (IE S6 or S8).

Porsche markets to a nitch market ---high performance sport car buyers. When they deviated from that, they lost their butts. The el cheapo 924 with the VW 4cyl showed them that as did the ill fated 914 and 912. Their 944 was an excellent lower entry point sports car but they failed to update the thing. The 928 was probably the best Sports GT Autobahn runner but the electronics and economy killed that one. Their latest blunder is their 4 door fiasco that they can't give away no matter what the performance is.
Honda is not a sports car company--it is a large corporation with auto being just one part of it. The NSX was the founders pipe dream that was based on a desire to compete. It did what it was intended to do. Today Honda Auto just like Toyota---is getting their asses kicked by the Koreans---BIG TIME. The quality and styling of the Hyundai and Kia is just good enough with price points to undermind Honda/Toyota. The US product quality improvement has finally gotten to a point to win back market share as well.
From a pure marketing point of view, If you were Honda---why would you invest millions of $$ to re-enter the exotic sports car market especially when Nissan, Lexus, Infiniti, Porsche, Lambo, Ferrari, etc. etc. are all playing with high end super sport cars---because you can???? Hell Honda still makes the indi car engines but they are in business to make a profit. They have much bigger problems on their hands right now. Does anyone believe that Honda made any profit on the NSX? I doubt it.
When the boat is taking on water, that's not the time to paint the deck. If I were them, I would re-engineer the S2000 to make sure the style is really HOT and make dam sure the car has cup holders and will fit an american who is bigger then 5'9. Use that platform as the entry into the lower cost sports car to compete with Mustang, Camero, Zs etc.