looking to get this nsx ,help

29 March 2009
hi,im looking to get a nsx i found this one JH4NA1283ST000487 i was look for any info on the car i found a prime member had this car for sale a few years back(DGnsxGOzoom!!!)if you are any one here can help me with any info on car please do.i live 500 miles from car and so i would not like to drive 500 miles and the car is not what the pics show.im ready to get a nsx i been looking for a long time.Thanks
Where's the car located? If it's close I might be able to take a look at it for you. Give us a little more info, so someone close to it can maybe take a look at it for you.
the car is in S.Oklahoma City does any one know prime member DCnsxGOzoom!!! he was a owner a few years back and had it for sale here on prime.
Take a "vacation" to see the car. I know its far but how bad do you want her? I wish you luck.
It would help your cause to post up a current link with a request for help in that local regions forum.
It was a great car, I built it up myself,(Not really physically, but I designed its look and parts.) It ran great for me but it's not all that fast, a turbo would help it. The inside and out were excellent.

I sold it to a roof contractor in the midwest who wanted to sell it after a couple months of playing with it. I told him to call me if he wanted to sell it. I wanted to buy it back but needed the money for my 5 mortgages and such.

I will maybe buy another and rebuild it but as a manual this time. I bought the automatic cause I live in Wash, DC. The car is low to the ground and I cracked the carbon-fiber lip. The next owner stated he broke it off, but would replace if I were interested in it. The only other thing I know is wrong with it is that it's missing the passenger-side door knob. My 12 son told me (after i sold the car) that he touched the knob and it and it fell inside the door, so check the inside passenger-side door if the knob is still missing :^)

I really don't know how the next owner treated the car, but I totally babied it!
Good luck and buy the car if you can and keep in touch.

Ps. I hate to see that one negative review, I dealt with the one bad apple on this site (who I believe later got kicked off) Crazy moral-less YAYNSX aka BAYNSACH sold me a broken part, I sent it back and he kept my money and the part, then wrote me a bad review! GO FIGURE :^( I want my name cleared! :^)
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yeah post the link so we dont have to go searching the whole state listing to find it.

hell Im bored at work so I will find it for you this time LOL
Thanks DCnsxGozoom!!! the car has around 10,000 miles sents you had it,if the dealer and I can work up a deal im going to get it you made me feal a lot better to make that 500 mile trip.prime members are such good people.Thanks
Yep, that's my old lady, looks like he never replaced the lip. I would be concerned that he dogged it out though, because he never replaced it. He did live in Oklahoma City!
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Oh, I just remembered at the sale inspection at the Acura dealer they told him it had a small oil leak that was normal for a car of its age. Other then that, it got a clean bill of health.
Here's more info on it, plus it looks like the price was reduced to 24,463. I think I sold it to him for like 35k. Spare is missing, and I had some red door panel inserts that my installer was to lazy to install that came with the car. Otherwise it looks the same. Same tires also, so they only have like 12k miles in them.

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Thanks DCnsxGOzoom!!! will keep you posted here to let you and other members know how it went(.my fingers are cross)
I'm an auto owner (95 Red Tan). Many people don't consider the maintenance on an auto since there is no clutch and flywheel per say to replace. However, after just having to pay 3k to have my auto trans re-built (blew it at the HPDE at NSXPO in Las Vegas), make sure you have good records of transmission fluid changes. Keeping clean fluid is important in that I learned that the trans filter is internal and cannot be cleaned without taking the trans apart.

I was guilty of not changing the fluid before HPDE. The trans shop believed that the strains of tracking an auto at its limits, the mileage on my car (110,000) and old fluid was too much for the trans.

Good luck on your search, and don't let the auto naysayers get to you if an auto is what you want. However, if you want a quicker car you may want to go to a manual in that it is inadvisable to power up an auto. The consensus is that the NSX auto is not strong enough to handle the extra HP. You can spend the 4k (transmission $3398.00 and Tq converter $598.00) to have the Level 10 upgrade, but the actual cost is around 6K when you add shipping to and from New Jersey, and removal and re-installation of the trans.
On a car like a NSX, I'm really surprised the dealer doesn't spend the $30 on that tow hook cover. I understand if it was a cavalier where every penny counts, but come on! They probably ACV'd that car at $20k (showed him $30k) when they traded it and knocked that guy's head off. :rolleyes: So I know they got $30 to pay for that darn cover LOL. You need to make sure you negotiate all that into your deal. Make them replace/fix a few things on it before you take delivery. If you're smart, work in a WP/TB service and just hope that they don't really know the car. LOL :biggrin:

EDIT: ALWAYS get ANY/ALL promises in WRITING! (Trust me!)
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thanks Russian007 i seen that to,i plan on talking to them about that when they give me the bottom price.but as for the tb and water pump i dought they will do that after all it is at a Dodge dealer.Do yall think its a good deal. just weighting on them to call me to see.
thanks Russian007 i seen that to,i plan on talking to them about that when they give me the bottom price.but as for the tb and water pump i dought they will do that after all it is at a Dodge dealer.Do yall think its a good deal. just weighting on them to call me to see.

I think it's definitely a pretty good deal. Especially if you get it closer to $20k :biggrin: but remember things are tough right now so the dealers don't usually have as high of a mark up as they use to. There may only be a $1500-$2000 mark up on this car, especially with the price drop to $24.4K on their website. If they've had it for close to 90 days now, then you have a lot better chance at stealing it from them.

I'd still use the TB/WP as a negotiating tool... I'd try to get them to agree to doing it (it's better that it's a Dodge dealer... they won't know much about it). Once they agree with signed paperwork you will have them. They will have to take it to an Acura dealer in the end to fix it (since their guys won't know where to begin probably LOL). Even if they don't take it to Acura the parts alone will cost them a bit and at least the job will be done (they'll have to warranty the work anyway). Try to SELL THEM by telling them it's the same motor as a Legend and the parts can't be that expensive :biggrin: :rolleyes:

If you can't get them to agree to that, then come back at them with the counter offer. Tell them you actually finally researched the TB/WP service and that it's going to cost you $3k+ to have it serviced. So if they won't, then they need to help you out. Maybe get them to buy the parts for you at the least and/or cut the price

Always walk away... and remember if they can make it happen they will... if they can't then they can't... All dealers are hungry right now... The best negotiating tool is CASH or if you're already APPROVED (credit). If you don't have either, then you can forget about a good deal. I wouldn't even talk to them unless you have either. You'll see the difference in how they treat you once they smell that money :smile:
the salesman called and gave me the news that.another salesman may have sold the car to someone in arizona that if that deal dont go as plain he will let be know.if it dont work out for me ill just keep looking but would not want to go more than 500 miles from home .Thanks for all the info and help to all of you .
This is an awesome site. I wish I would have found it prior to my purchase. I actually purchased the car a few days ago. Its a great car and seems to have been very well taken care of.

I look forward to posting and reading more on this board. I am also located in Oklahoma.
This is an awesome site. I wish I would have found it prior to my purchase. I actually purchased the car a few days ago. Its a great car and seems to have been very well taken care of.

I look forward to posting and reading more on this board. I am also located in Oklahoma.

good for you,good luck with it.Amazing what a small nsx world it is.