looking to buy nikon d100 or d1x

you could also try www.onecall.com, give them my name as a referrer (Vamsidhar Juvvigunta) and you'll get an additional 2% off, or is it 1%, not sure which.

In general, make sure that the retailer is an authorized one. bhphotovideo, beachnphoto, onecall are the ones I have experience with and are all good. I like the onecall experience better though. Nicer on the phone.

On a related note. A friend just bought a D70. Now thats a sweet camera. Extremely fast and the latest. Its got a new model sensor and is subject to the standard first generation caveats, but the reviews, speed and burst rate (some 3/4 fps for 10 seconds) are really really good. ~ 1300 with the kit lens.

Since you seem to be a nikon person, I wont reccomend the digital rebel which for the 870$ (normal price), is an excellent performer.

Beach camera or BH Photo will probably match any price online thou.... Buy from a reputable photo store and you will get much better service if you ever need to return it for any reason....just my opinion.
I bought my Canon D60 used off of a coworker, but ordered my L series lenses from J and R
Where you buy form is one thing. What you are buying is another thing altogether different. Since you are in the NY area, buying from outside NY is probably cheaper.

This is unsolicited, but since I have helped so many friends settle on digital cams and digi slrs, I feel compelled to say this :-)

1) Read the reviews on dpreview.com
2) If its a matter of a < 200$ get a newer model as opposed to an older one.
3) Realize that once you buy into a brand, Nikon, Canon you are stuck with their lenses or lenses that sigma etc make for those mounts.
4) The Canon Lenses (w, w/o IS) are typically less expensive than the Nikon ones. One more thing to consider.
5) go to pbase.com. Hunt down the camera models you are interested in and look at various random photos taken by that camera (photog matters but this still is valuable)
- look for high ISO noise levels
- Skin tones.
- Any extreme lighting situation performance etc.

I have had the canon 10D and the Digital Rebel. Played with the Nikon D70 as well. All of them are excellent cameras. Any camera at or above the capabilities of the Digital Rebel would be more than sufficient for the casual photog.
I shoot a Canon D60 and have had 4 Canon film SLRs prior to that. I stick with Canon lenses and have recently begun swapping my older lenses for L series. If you want to see samples of photos taken with that set up, you can click on the photography site in my signature or on the banner ad on the bottom of this page.
nicholas421 said:
anyone know a good place to buy SLR digital cameras? thanks

Wish I could help, but my contact doesnt carry the one youre looking for.

First of all I would be weary of the guys in NY...I have heard horror stories (missing parts, grey market, etc). They are way cheap, but there is a reason why.

Secondly, what you should do is buy from a reputable store in your area (not on the web because web purchases are not covered under price protection==>read on) with a credit card that has price protection (i.e. Citibank Illumina or Dividend Rewards card), and find a printed ad from one of the shady ny guys (found on last pages of digital photo magazines) which shows a low ass price. Submit this for your price protection, hence you get the best of both worlds. Get the camera from a reputable store, and get the pricing of a shady dealer lol. But try to do the claim fast just in case the credit card co denies it so you have a chance to return the camera...and of course, dont use the camera while youre claim is in process. I am risk averse:)

Just my 2cents. I did this on a camera my supplier doesnt carry.

Re: Re: looking to buy nikon d100 or d1x

supra2nv said:
First of all I would be weary of the guys in NY...I have heard horror stories (missing parts, grey market, etc). They are way cheap, but there is a reason why.

That is simply untrue. As with any market, NY will have disreputable dealers but B&H Photo and J&R Music are two of the largest retailers and etailers of photographic supplies and either one can be trusted with any purchase. B&H will list their prices for both USA and grey market so you can see the price differences and decide if you would want to save the money by getting grey market (not necessarily a bad thing since if you are buying high end equipment chances are the quality is good enough that you will never need to make a Canadian warrantly claim).

I have purchased thousands of dollars worth of products from B&H both online and in their store and have never had a problem with missing parts, bait and switch or any other typical complaints associated with certain notorious advertisers in photo magazines.
Without getting into the Canon/Nikon war, I jsut want to say that we shoot with Nikon D2Hs and love the output. I print up to 20x30 personally and even though it's a "only" 4MP we get quality results out of ours. I'd say if you're considering the D1X or D100 you should seriously look into the D70 (which is better than the D100 in my opinion) and the D2H, which is more like a digital F5.

Feel free to email me if you have any specific questions.

As for where to buy, BH photo is a decent place, as is a local shop here that would problaly mail it out to you.

Yeah. I second that. The D70 is an excellent camera. I have used a friends and it is awesome. Superbly responsive (shot-to-shot) and that ridiculous 4fps for a lonong time.

However, The grip seems to be made for smaller hands. Do play with the models in a store and see which one feels more comfortable in your hand as well. At this point, ergonomics becomes one more factor.

And as far as NY shops are concerned. Look at the online ratings of the shops. bhphotovide has a near unimpeacheable reputation. As does J&R. I have several lenses, slide projectors etc from BHphotovide and never lost sleep over it. Onecall got my business for a 10D, Digi Rebel, Several Hometheatre stuff etc. All in all well over 3k.

As long as you do your homework. You will be fine. Avoid the rock bottom price places and for your peace of mind call up nikon and ensure that the seller is an authorized dealer of nikon stuff (else your warranty will be worthless)
Re: Re: Re: looking to buy nikon d100 or d1x

RSO 34 said:
B&H will list their prices for both USA and grey market so you can see the price differences and decide if you would want to save the money by getting grey market (not necessarily a bad thing since if you are buying high end equipment chances are the quality is good enough that you will never need to make a Canadian warrantly claim).

Since when is Canada grey market?
Grey market refers to anything not made for Noth Amerrica.
I have read ads touting some products as having a Canadian rather than a USA warranty along with typical grey market pricing.
Nick im entering a photography contest... and if I win i'll sell you the Nikon D70 for 1/4 the cost :p