Looking to bum a ride...

25 February 2001
Denver CO. USA
Dad and I are set to attend this year.
Unlike when we attended NSXpo in Elkhart Lake, we will be staying for the track days in Phoenix.

BUT- we won't be "tracking" our car.

I don't have a problem with that, as I know why our car won't be lapping Firebird, but I really do want to see what the NSX can do.

After reading some previous posts I know that instructors will be able to take passengers out for laps on the track.

I was hoping to get some volunteers willing to counter weight their cars with 180lbs of ballast.

I would like to experience the difference between an N/A NSX , and a SC/NSX if possible, so a driver of each would be really cool, but either is great.

Anyone want to make arrangements?

I will have my own helmet, and I promise I don't suffer from motion sickness, or scream like a little girl, :D

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