looking into buying a 97 NSX... some help please

19 December 2004
A coworker of mine has a 1997 NSX (spa/tan) and overheard me as i was talking about selling my 330Ci to some other coworkers. He mentioned that he has not driven his car in close to a year since his liscence was taken away (too many traffic violations) and if i would be interested in buying it.

The car has 50-60K miles and it needs a clutch. He told me that he'll take $25K for the car. Does this sound right? He says its a manual tranny car with a "slap shifter" that his father put in when they first bought it. What the hell is a slap shifter? lol

I think that the car may have been ragged out by this guy but he says that the car is in great condition other than the clutch. I asked if it were driveable and he said that the clutch is completly toasted but it runs fine.

How do i make this decision without driving it? Are there any specialists in Maryland i can have the car towed to? My best friend is a mechanic but he doesn't work on this type of vehicle that often so i'd feel better if there was a specialist in the area.

How rare is the Spa/Tan color combo? I couldn't find any on autotrader... Should i be concerened about this "slap shifter" modification?
25K for a 97 is a steal....the clutch would run you appox $3k to set right and T belt should be completed as well.
However, you MUST have the car checked out by a good NSX tech.

I agree, $25K is WAAAAYYY too cheap for this car, and would likely be worth more than that even if it was salavage titled. I would dot your i's and cross your t's with this one. There were 3 Yellow/Camel's made in 97 (all manual trannys) There were 84 Yellow/Black manuals made in the same year, which makes sense, since the Yellow/Black seems to be a better combo in my eyes at least.
Yeah I'd be weary, but after a mechanic looked at it I'd probably take the chance. Especially cuz I wanted a '97 yellow one to begin with.
That is FAR FAR too cheap for a 97.

a 91 with the same miles would sell for more.