Looking for Realtor in Scottsdale, AZ

5 June 2000
Cypress, Texas USA
Well the time has come for me to get serious about moving. Does anyone know of a good realtor who specializes in the Scottsdale, AZ area? We're looking to either build new or acquire new. Timeframe for moving is approximately 6-7 months out, longer if we build obviously.


Lake Oswego, Oregon
95T Blk\Blk SportShift
I know a good one in the greater Phoenix area, including Scottsdale. His name is David Khalaj.

If you want his number send me an email.

[email protected]
Originally posted by Nsxotic:
Let me know if you need some help.......

Thanks Todd. Once I get settled in the area I'll need to know who to work with in the area. I'm not sure what path I'm going to go down yet, competition or pleasure. However the more I think about what I like doing I'm leaning more toward competition. So I'm looking to sell my NSX and pickup a BMW X5 for pulling a trailer. What's on the trailer is still up in the air.