Looking for NSX

24 October 2005
Would like to hear from tall (6'-2"+) drivers about fit. I have had a longing for an NSX for some time, however haven't even test driven one. Hard to find in Tucson. Is this a valid search for tall drivers. The Z3 test drive was OK until the top went up..

It depend on your stature (sp?) If you are "all leg" it could be tight:). As redshift mentioned if you are "all torso" the Dali cushion will give you a few inches of clearance. There are a few NSXer's in Tucson. Go to the Southwest Regional Forum and post and see if you can get together with someone for a "test fit/drive". It is the best way, before you waste alot of time.

Good Luck,
I'm 6'4", and while there is no spare room, it is very possible. The NSX seats are extremely comfortable.

I drove mine from Colorado to New York in the summer of 2004. Looked up one day and discovered I have been driving 14 hours -- and covered about 800 miles.

Looking for an NSX is a most reasonable thing to do