Looking for my first NSX...

5 October 2005
Appleton WI
My neighbor (NSX Prime 'rp-motorsports') broke my NSX cherry. I'm hooked. I gotta get one. I've been reading many of the posts and I'm impressed with the passion and interest everyone has for this fine machine. I'm not new to the sports car game, just the NSX. I'll admit it, I've alway been a German car guy Audi, VW's. I tracked cars in the SCCA in the early 90's.

I'm looking for a '91 to '93 NSX with moderate miles that I can trick myself. I hope to be a NSX owner very soon.
Hey its a trickle-down effect!!! Steve and I both had our sport compacts in the late 90's, and we needed to "step up". Steve was first, and the disease has spread like wildfire!!! Anyone who touches, gets a ride or worse yet drives one, is infected. There is no cure. There is a more advanced strain though beware...... It is called the G.F.C.P. more on that after you get one! :biggrin:
RP-Motorsports said:
It is called the G.F.C.P. more on that after you get one! :biggrin:
Ok, I got mine yesterday so what is G.F.C.P?
At a local Dallas meet last night I viewed a white 92 that the owner is selling.
It has 75k and has some Comptech goodies on it. Really as nice as a 92 can be.
I believe his name is Gary and if you are interested I can try to get you in contact with him.
I believe he is asking like $28k, which is a great deal IMO. In fact I would buy it if I could have 2 NSX's.

It is the 2nd White NSX pictured in this thread. (One with Comptech rims)

BTW, I just meet Gary last night, but I do expect a commission on the deal. :biggrin:
At a local Dallas meet last night I viewed a white 92 that the owner is selling.
It has 75k and has some Comptech goodies on it. Really as nice as a 92 can be.
I believe his name is Gary and if you are interested I can try to get you in contact with him.
I believe he is asking like $28k, which is a great deal IMO. In fact I would buy it if I could have 2 NSX's.

It is the 2nd White NSX pictured in this thread. (One with Comptech rims)

BTW, I just meet Gary last night, but I do expect a commission on the deal. :biggrin:

Looks like polished Forgeline wheels. Car looks great. I am assuming it is the one parked in the corner.
Alright Jeff I will keep my eyes open for you. Take your time and don't jump on the first one you see. I spent eight months looking for mine and think I found a super clean NSX within my budget. As they said above once you get it and start modding it never ends. Good luck searching and welcome to Prime.
Thanks guys. I'll count on ya to give me the scoop. Looks like there is some junk out there. Quite a few on Ebay with blurry pics' and vague descriptions. There was one with low miles on Ebay. I asked the seller if it was actual millage and he never replied.

Mister poopy pants...