Looking for assistance in the Netherlands

28 March 2002
I have a friend who is being transferred to Amsterdam for work for the next couple of years and she does not know anyone over there. She has felt welcome at NSX activities in the Northeast U.S. and I was wondering if there were any drives/outings in the Amsterdam area coming up where one of the NSXers in the area would be kind enough to take her along to help her ease the transition as she gets adjusted to living abroad.
There is a community of Dutch and Belgium (all speak English) NSX owners in the Belnelux. They are all nice family people and very friendly and helpful. We have some outings, when the weather gets nicer, we will start. There are some in this side of Germany too, and one or two in Luxembourg.
Keep looking here, Gerard or Mitch or others will post.
Your friend will have no trouble making friends and fitting in as (in my opinion as a foreigner) the Dutch are very nice and easy to get along with (Belgians and the rest are too). Language most certainly won’t be a problem.
From your post I assume she doesn’t have an NSX. Does she have a bicycle? :smile:
If so, she will have no problem.
(only kidding, she can get a bike when she’s here)
Thanks for the post. She just relocated this week and is being brought around by her company to learn how to get about. I am sure she will be biking it most places, especially since she does not have an NSX and can no longer ask to borrow my keys. :tongue: The first order of business is to find an apartment which she did not get the chance to look for first because of delays in getting the visa. But she was happy to learn that she does not have any language problems and so that hopefully will assist her in making a smooth transition.
Ok, she’ll have fun.

One thing though, when I first moved to Holland, I assumed that getting an apartment was normal just like in Canada (where I’m from). I found that there was a 2 year waiting list and ended up living in other student’s apartments who were away for a few weeks…This was several years ago.
I eventually moved out of Holland in disgust (even though I liked the rest of it) because there were no houses with garages (for my car and tools), apartments, or even dog-houses for rent unless you have lots of money. :frown:
So she should, if possible, get her company(?) to find her a place. They have bigger pockets.

The Dutch guys use this site to announce/discuss NSX happenings so keep looking here.:smile:
Housing is not an issue. She works for ING and they are getting the apartment and paying for it. She is being brought around by their people and agents to find a place and they will also arrange for rental furniture until her things arrive from the states in about 6 weeks or so. Gotta love deep pockets.
Oh, good to hear about the apartment. That’s the only difficulty solved then.
She’s going to like Holland. It’s very different to the States, and the people are great.

Also tell her not to forget that many other countries are really close by so very easy to visit. They are all different to each other and it’s all very interesting. Even after 10 years here, I still discover something new and wonderful everyday, it seems. And I still haven’t seen most of it!
Yup, she’s going to like it.
RSO 34 said:
I have a friend who is being transferred to Amsterdam for work for the next couple of years and she does not know anyone over there. She has felt welcome at NSX activities in the Northeast U.S. and I was wondering if there were any drives/outings in the Amsterdam area coming up where one of the NSXers in the area would be kind enough to take her along to help her ease the transition as she gets adjusted to living abroad.
If your friend comes to Amsterdam, she can contact me and perhaps I can help her out. I live near Amsterdam myself.