Looking for a seamless hi-res version of this pic

10 September 2002
Okay, my turn to request a pic. I scanned this image from a 94 Acura brochure that I dug up. I saw a seamless (but tiny) version of this pic in an old Du Pont Registry, so I know it exists. If you have a high res version of this photo without the seam, please let me know. Thanks!

I've never seen this before: and i think i have about 60% of the world's NSX photos. :D

If you have a version at a higher-resolution, that seem could be removed in photoshop with minimal fuss. Obviously a seemless original would be preferable.
Holy Hubcabs! For the longest time, this was one of my absolute favourite photos of the NSX, in spite of it's being a US-spec car. I have the brochure in which this photo appeared, but it's not here with me in Hong Kong. Damn.
I have this picture from my owner's manual.

well, I believed it's one of the promotional picture post card thing that dealer sent to prospect customer back in those old days...

I'll try and see if I can scan and post here for you tonight. (It'll be late though, cuz I won't get home till 11 pm Pacific time.)
Wow, that's one of the better pic of the NSX I have seen so far... I think we should all put together our collections of NSX pics into a big folder to share...
NSXDreamer2 said:
I'll try and see if I can scan and post here for you tonight. (It'll be late though, cuz I won't get home till 11 pm Pacific time.)
No problem, I'm a night owl as well ;). If you could post it, I would be much obliged!
Zuerst said:
I think we should all put together our collections of NSX pics into a big folder to share...
Not a bad idea at all!
Zuerst said:
Wow, that's one of the better pic of the NSX I have seen so far... I think we should all put together our collections of NSX pics into a big folder to share...

Great idea... where do i upload my 1.2GB of NSX pix + video's??? :D
I think the bigger problem would be catagorizing the picturs

there must be millions

anyway. I have alot of computer nurd friends. ill ask about thier take on makeing an online catalog thins huge.
I hope this is cleaned up a little?

I know it is not what you are looking for, but its seems to be the best I can dig up.


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