Looking for a good travel site

5 November 2002
I want to be able to plug in when I want to go (or a range) and how much I want to spend and have it tell me whats available. Anyone know of a site like this? I thought Travelocity used to have one, but I can't find it.
Try Kayak.com I've got some real good deals.
travelerspoint.com, it's a forum and you can ask away. also, the lonely planet is something you should look into, i'm not sure if they have a website or not, but their travel guide will tell you everything you need to know. it's free to read at borders, but not to take away without paying.:biggrin:
I wish there was something like this. I frequently don't care where I go, what's important is that it's cheap. I'd love to be able to do a search like find me the cheapest 4* hotel with a jacuzzi suite in a 200 mile radius in April.