"Look Twins!"

18 October 2005
Alpine, New Jersey
The new NA2 just arrived Saturday from its long trip Florida to New Jersey. Snowstorms, traffic accidents, delays, etc. but it's finally here. My flatbed guy brought it to the house this a.m. and I immediately took it out for a spin before off to the car wash for a long shower. This car is quicker and tighter than the 96. Quite happy I decided to upgrade. This will be the "keeper" as I have dropped back down now to 27k miles on the odometer. Car feels like it is new. Both NSX's got their start in sunny Florida where the roads are smooth.

I took these shots of my 1996 Formula Red/Camel (which you guys know and have seen) and the new 2001 New Formula Red/Camel (which will be at all the upcoming events in 2010). This was this morning when the sun was out and the roads were clean.

Funny, I can't see the difference between Formula Red and New Formula Red? :confused:

Here's one: If you look close in the second photo, notice the plate number on each car. :eek:

My wife said: "Look twins!" :smile::smile:




"Damn, I can't wait for Spring!" :biggrin::biggrin:
Congrats on the new ride Rich:cool:
Have a ceeeeegarrrrr:wink:
Glad it arrived safe, I think you should submit a twins article for nsx driver:cool:
Me neither. Congratulations Rich!
Thanks Joe. Remember when you drove my 96 and you commented how nice and "tight" it is and how sweet a relatively stock NSX handles?
Well, this one is even "tighter!" It is essentially, a new car.

Now I realize why folks like Roger, Ron W. and Tytus are always smiling.
With an 01' you are almost completely there as far as mechanical factory improvements to this car, with the exception of:

Steering turns lock-to-lock up to 3.24
Wheel sizes changed to 17 x 7" front and 17 x 9" rear.
Rear track increased 1/2"
Rear sway bar size increased from: 17.5 mm to 19.1 mm.

(all added 2002 to 2005)

And you still have the "flip-up" front which I prefer.
Now I realize why folks like Roger, Ron W. and Tytus are always smiling.

Roger is smiling because he has gas.:redface:

To be honest, when I saw the title of this thread I was expecting something else.:biggrin:
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Nice, that garage looks very similar. Two red NSX's, your nuts:biggrin:
Maybe you two should do an article called Quadruplits.....only thing is whos gonna be the mommy?
Nice, that garage looks very similar. Two red NSX's, your nuts:biggrin:
Now, if I can get back to the gym and get rid of this gut, maybe I can take one of the twins to .............. "THE JERSEY SHORE!" :biggrin::biggrin:

Maybe get a tattoo on the new six pack ...... of a titanium connecting rod? :eek:
Congrat's Rich on having twins...I say, I say your a bit redundant, redundant though! Great upgrade though, and now what's next?

Enjoy them both, one of my fantasies has alway been to have had twins at some point in my life :biggrin:.

Best wishes,

Thanks guys for all the kind congrats however, the twins may be short lived ......... say like, this spring. First, I must have fun comparing an NA1 to an NA2 on a daily basis, back and forth.

The original plan was to build the 96 into a heavily modded track machine to start enjoying that aspect of the hobby.

The more I thought about it, the more guilty I felt that I could even contemplate the idea of changing too much of what the Honda design engineers had put into this beautiful car. I therefore decided to scrap that plan and go with picking up a 91 or 92 (a higher production #) in black and maybe even a salvage/flood/fire or such.

I would then sell the stock red 96 in the spring for someone else to enjoy.
Hopefully, a new member!

Here's my reason to breakup the "twins":
As we are all well aware, these were rare cars and there are really not that many of them out there today. Each perfectly beautiful "stock" example that gets changed so much that it is not reversible, is something I do not believe should happen. In fact, it is our responsibility to maintain and preserve the dream set forth when this car was designed and constructed at Honda. The fact I may want to heavily mod one, has steered me away from using mine and moving on to a wreck/salvage or something like that.

Also, these kinds of mods get pretty expensive, so the $10k difference in cash can come in handy. Besides, with only a small 2-car garage and wanting to keep the marriage intact, I can't go the triplet route by finding a 91 too soon; before the 96 is gone. It's the overall smarter choice! :biggrin:
I'll flip my tenderly loved 91
(resuscitation by vince's)
ps... I like my twins better
I'll flip my tenderly loved 91
(resuscitation by vince's)
ps... I like my twins better
No comparison ........ the kids are always better Jon!
ps... I like my Devils better than those Flyboys.

and ...... "Rangers Suck!"
I think Jon is talking about his ahem "puppies":eek::biggrin:
When you take the front plate off one car and put it on the back of another its does look great,, I dont think you can have the same plate for different VINs per DMV! each VIN gets its own Plate,, nice thought though!! nice I wish I had 2 LOL or did you do that so you could drive it last night should have come with a temp Plate
Thanks guys for all the kind congrats however, the twins may be short lived ......... say like, this spring. First, I must have fun comparing an NA1 to an NA2 on a daily basis, back and forth.

The original plan was to build the 96 into a heavily modded track machine to start enjoying that aspect of the hobby.

The more I thought about it, the more guilty I felt that I could even contemplate the idea of changing too much of what the Honda design engineers had put into this beautiful car. I therefore decided to scrap that plan and go with picking up a 91 or 92 (a higher production #) in black and maybe even a salvage/flood/fire or such.

I would then sell the stock red 96 in the spring for someone else to enjoy.
Hopefully, a new member!

Here's my reason to breakup the "twins":
As we are all well aware, these were rare cars and there are really not that many of them out there today. Each perfectly beautiful "stock" example that gets changed so much that it is not reversible, is something I do not believe should happen. In fact, it is our responsibility to maintain and preserve the dream set forth when this car was designed and constructed at Honda. The fact I may want to heavily mod one, has steered me away from using mine and moving on to a wreck/salvage or something like that.

Also, these kinds of mods get pretty expensive, so the $10k difference in cash can come in handy. Besides, with only a small 2-car garage and wanting to keep the marriage intact, I can't go the triplet route by finding a 91 too soon; before the 96 is gone. It's the overall smarter choice! :biggrin:

+1 I like the way you think.
Lookin good Rich! I think the middle picture is just done with mirrors. :wink: I knew you would look to move the 96 out after you drove the 01. If you are looking to make a track car it does make sense to start with a hardtop. I also know you would feel bad abusing your 96 so starting fresh with one in lesser condition might be better. Since you know you will have a NSX for a long time it really does make sense to get a newer one. I can't wait to see it. :biggrin: