Look at the email I just got. Fraud, anyone?

12 November 2002
Spokane, WA
Anyone heard of this before? I'm going to humor him and reply, I accept Paypal!:D

Dear Sir,
I was privileged to capture your names from the Internet. My name is
Barr. John W Emeka, a legal practitioner and the personal Attorney to
late Mr. Adams, who died along with his wife and his Two sons in a
Ghastly motor accident along Sagamu express road Ibadan, over 3 years
now August 13, 1999.All the occupants in the vehicle lost their lives. I am
convinced that it was the grace of God that made me to locate you. My client was
a successful and is accomplished family man, who made enough fortune before his
untimely death.
Since then I had made several inquiries through your Embassy to locate
any of my clients extended relative but this exercise has proved
unsuccessful. After several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to trace
his relatives through the Internet, to locate any member of his family
not much progress was recorded My late client was an influential wealthy
businessman, an oil magnet here in Nigeria and he left behind a deposit of
Thirty Million, Two Hundred Thousand United States Dollars only s$30,2OO,OOO.OO
in his domiciliary bank account in a commercial bank here in Lagos. After the
death of my client
his bankers contacted me, as his Attorney to provide his next of kin who should
inherit his fortune.
The board of directors of his bank adopted a resolution and I was
mandated to provide his next of kin for the payment of this money within 28
working days or forfeit the money to the bank as an abandoned
The bankers had planned to invoke the abandoned property decree of 1996
to confiscate the funds after the expiration of the period given to me.
Despairing at the point of exhaustiveness, fortunately, I came across
your name, to my utmost amazement, I discovered that you bear the same
surname with my late client and coincidentally, you are nationals of the same
Convinced that you may be linked with my late client or that you might
provide clue to my search, I therefore, decided to contact with these
facts before me because of the similarities. By virtue of my closeness
to the deceased and his immediate family, I am very much aware of my
client financial standing and the bank account he operates.
I have reasoned very professionally and I feel it will be legally proper to
present you as the next of kin of my deceased client, so that you can be paid
the funds left in his bank account, hence I contacted you.
I seek your consent to present you as the Next of Kin to the Deceased
since you are at an advantage, so that the proceeds of this Bank Account valued
at $30.2m Million Dollars can be paid to you.
We shall both share the funds. 55% to me and 40% to you, while 5% should be for
Expenses or Tax as your Government may require, I shall assemble all the
necessary Legal Documents that will be used to back up our claim.
All I require is your honest cooperation to enable us seeing this deal through.
I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will
protect you from any breach of law. Please get in touch with me by email:
[email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> to enable us
discuss further.
Best Regards
Barrister. John W Emeka

Anyone who wants to spam him, feel free!:p
have him bring you the documents and funds personally. You can pay for his plane ticket with the money he wants you to have;)...and after you get it. By the way, 55% is a little much for a lawyer's fee.

This is too funny. How stupid do they think people are?
Let's all reply to him saying we are all legal decendants of the deceased! That should blow his mind! Spam away!

He must be a great attorney to be able to get his own yahoo account.
Charles Taylor's (president of Liberia) wife wrote me yesterday :D

Here's a copy of her email:

From Mrs. Jewel Taylor
The wife of President of Liberia

Dear Friend,


President of Liberia. If you have been following the
trend of event about Liberia on CNN News, you will be
informed regarding the on going Rebel attacks War
trying to take over the Leadership of the Country from
my husband.

Dear friend, indeed your assistance in receiving some
money for safe keeping in case of any eventuality will
be highly appreciated for our mutual benefits. Your
kind and honest cooperation will be highly appreciated
since we have not meet in person but any transaction
based on trust can work.

The amount is $10 million with a Security company
Abroad. All that is needed is for me to instruct the
company, since the money is deposited on my name to
release it to you, as soon as you respond to this
proposal more so all the legal document relating to
the $10,000,000 deposit will be release to enable you
collect the funds. I am going to compensate you with
20% of $10,000,000.

Be Inform that my husband is not aware of my plans
because any thing can happen to him, even now that the
American President is telling him to step down. So you
have to be confidential. For security reason our
communication should be strictly by mail. Contact me
with this email address:

Best Regards

Your?s Faithfully

I have heard this claim before

About 5 years ago or so

It came to my daddy by mail.

Anyway. I know that this money is stolen money from Nigeria which is transfer out of the country to foreign bank accounts by corrupted elements.

Stay away from stolen money man. Those pore Nigerians are being ripped off of their own country's natural resources. Don’t contribute to this corruption. Be on the god guys side.
It's not stolen money. It's just a scam. If you go through with it, at some point you will be required to lay out some money for fees, which seem small compared to the amount you are suppose to be getting, however, you never get anything, and the crooks take off with the fees you have paid.