Look...... Another Conspiracy

10 June 2003
New York
I'm sure most of you think these guys are innocent, since very few of you appear to believe conspiracy theories, but I think these guys are guilty as sin and I'm glad they are going to be put behind bars. I know a few people who saw a large percentage of their retirement pensions disappear because of these scumbags. All I can say is they sure waited long enough....its been over 2 years....

Former Enron Execs Will Face Conspiracy Charges Together
I would love to see them all in jail for a very long time provided the charges against them are true which I believe they are. It won't happen though, high priced lawyers and friends in high places will see that they live life happily ever after with other peoples' money. Had they stolen that same money by using a gun rather than fraudulent book-keeping, the same people who support them now would be screaming for their heads. It's the white-collar crime double standard.

Just my opinion.
Eric5273 said:
I'm sure most of you think these guys are innocent, since very few of you appear to believe conspiracy theories, but I think these guys are guilty as sin and I'm glad they are going to be put behind bars.

Yeah, I think they're innocent.


Just kidding. Fry 'em up Texas style!