longest thread in Supra Kills forums courtesy of me!!

If you dont register, you are not allowed to browse ALL the forums. Register and you will unlock the other forums.

I tried to manually search the public forums..... no luck. Registered, and his above link worked perfectly.

PS, if you dont want to get spam mail and stuff from registering, just open a generic yahoo or hotmail account to register into forums with.

wow.. .there's some violence goin on in that forum... screw that chit...

NSXnBRLA said:
Save us all some time and cut/paste your original post here. I don't care to hear what they have to say. I hate NSX vs. * arguments

I'll tell u now it's 5 pages of mayhem.

His original post just talked about a supra kill. Well there was a discrepency on if the supra was really racing. So then they got on with a rematch, and the nsx won. Then there's the haters in the middle who say f this f that the nsx can't beat all supra's (whereas peiserg specifically stated he knew he wouldn't be able to beat a single turbo supra). So.. that's about the gist of it once you get through all the mumbo jumbo.

NSXnBRLA said:
Comparing a TURBO 6 cylinder to a N/A 6 cylinder was probably used before "apples to oranges" was even invented :o

actually.. he's supercharged putting down 365. Sorry.. I should've mentioned that before.

i disagree on whether the link should be here. Er, i supose that's obvious, since i posted it.

yeah, basically the above summary was correct. Really, all the smack talking was by a guy completely uninvolved in the race. the guy i raced was a very gracious loser. And for the record, i received several private emails from supra owners congratulating me, and saying what a moron the loud mouths were...
the guy kept trying to get me to race, "cmon, chicken, nsx pussy etc etc" was the gist if not the actual quote.... luckily for me, right before the thread was closed i told him to look up "NSX owner who doesn't give a crap about racing you" in a thesaurus and write a dissertation on it for us to read.
kill stories are...*yawn* ...for re-living with mates; not posting on the web, they only stirr trouble.

That longest thread is still a LONG way short from the <B>56905 view hits</B> on <A HREF="http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=16478&goto=lastpost">Single Samurai's - Different views of my NSX!</A>. Still the longest; and still the best. :D
It drives me and many others crazy when trolls from other car boards come here and hijack threads, post crap, and ruin the culture of this forum.

Now you go over there and stir up trouble and basically beg them to come here, register, and post a ton of crap which costs everyone time:

- Everyone has to read their crap
- People get upset and reply to the crap (again everyone reads)
- Administrators have to warn and usually ban their accounts
- Database overhead for all their posts and accounts, etc

This is an NSX board for people who like to learn about and discuss the NSX. By going to the Supra board and posting a bunch of "kill stories" and then coming back here and bragging about it - you create a nightmare for everyone.

matteni said:
It drives me and many others crazy when trolls from other car boards come here and hijack threads, post crap, and ruin the culture of this forum.

Now you go over there and stir up trouble and basically beg them to come here, register, and post a ton of crap which costs everyone time:

- Everyone has to read their crap
- People get upset and reply to the crap (again everyone reads)
- Administrators have to warn and usually ban their accounts
- Database overhead for all their posts and accounts, etc

This is an NSX board for people who like to learn about and discuss the NSX. By going to the Supra board and posting a bunch of "kill stories" and then coming back here and bragging about it - you create a nightmare for everyone.



haha, there's a little x in the top right hand corner of your window. use it if you don't wanna read this useless post.

matteri - glad i drive you crazy, you make my job to easy.

- resident troll signing off

It's a free world, and it's not necessary that you read all threads....
i tend to skip the ones marked "can someone do a carfax check for me" because they are uninteresting to me.

Besides, if someone in the nsx world races, and loses, then they can expect a post in the forum by the winner. If that's a big concern then one shouldn't engage in races... I raced, and won, and posted to the supraforum. If you read my posts there, you might notice i never flame, brag, name-call etc.. i modestly describe a race, and one or two flamers start flaming away. The closest i get is when a guy there keeps eggin me to race, and eventually i tell him off... that's AFTER 3 or 4 other people tell him to shut up and go elsewhere..
I actually got several private emails about having a good race, congratulations, nice car, etc etc..

I may roll my eyes when someone asks "WHat kind of shoes do you wear when driving the NSX?" or "Hey is it true i pick up 0.0001 seconds by getting rid of my floor mat?" but i don't lecture them.

Cliff notes: Different strokes for different folks.
kill stories are...*yawn* ...for re-living with mates; not posting on the web, they only stirr trouble.

Have to disagree, i love a good kill story. I also love the retorts from people who feel that their choice of machine needs to be defended to the point of lunacy.

Post 8th of may;

Lackofiq: My LG(tm) hair dryer dried my hair faster than my mates last night! 8and a half minutes! (it was a little humid though)I told him his low-watt Sunbeam (tm) wasn't up for the task. He got upset at me and challenged a rematch once he got a haircut, lol! Lifes good!

lackofreality: You and LG(tm) suck, I stuck two Sunbeam(tm) hairdryers together and they'll blow you all away. No one can match Sunbeam!!!(tm)

koodntkairless: You both suck, any hair dryer is useless, towels rock! (I'm bald)
what this taught me more than anything is the diversity of isolated car communities. I am not at all surprised to see whining and moaning in a supra forum, not that supra drivers are all like that. Unfortunately, the "tuner culture" often protrays that as the best image, coupled with the relatively affordable price of some older supras.
It makes me all warm and fuzzy to think how much better we are, not that i'm pretentious:D :D