Long Way Round

16 July 2002
Bay Area CA
Anyone been watching Long Way Round on Bravo?
I probably should have posted this earlier for those of you who have missed it - what a fabulous show!
Ewan McGregor & Charley Boorman ride around the world "the wrong way" on a couple of BMW R1150 GS Adventure motor-cycles. It's not just a bike show - very much a human interest story and some really genuine moments between true friends are displayed, along with some incredible encounters throughout the trip. "During their journey, Ewan and Charley made special stop-offs at UNICEF-supported projects along their route to see for themselves some of the problems facing children and their families and what UNICEF were doing to help." - very moving! On their return they held a fund-raiser donating a considerable sum to their favoured charities.

I'm buying the DVD when it comes out - enjoyed it immensely! If it runs again, I can highly recommend it.

