Long time lurker who finally joined.

12 December 2012
Hey guys, been lurking around for years but never joined until a couple of days ago. I've always been a fan of the NSX as long as I can remember and dreamt of owning one someday as it's my dream car. No other car can compare to the NSX in looks, IMO. Have been reading through the entire forum almost everyday and pretty much keeping up with whats going on in the NSX world. I have a buddy who owns one, so I've been through the test drive/cruises and it sure cemented my thoughts on the car as I would imagine it would. I'm targeting within a year or 2 to finally purchase a NSX. Budget probably 30k and under. Don't matter on color/trim. It's a NSX no matter what. And yes Manual. Well, I'll be lurking around and hope to be an owner and be a part of the NSX community in the near future! :biggrin:
