Local trustworthy "chrome" shop in San Jose area?

15 October 2003
West coast!
I went to this place (bay area chrome) from a Google search and they quoted me $600.00 to do some plastic/metal parts!

It seems many shops cannot chrome plate plastic parts and the majority of our engine pieces I want chromed are plastic. Only the STB is actually metal.

I saw Dali sells some of this stuff so is it worth it just to buy from them or better to chrome plate your stock parts? what have you guys done? It seems the Sac guys all have tons of chrome pieces.

Most shops can only chrome metal objects but I wanted to chrome some of the engine cover pieces in my NSX that were plastic. Found this local place and he gave me a package price since it's cheaper to chrome more pieces together.

If anyone is interested in having a few small pieces chromed, PM me since I've only got about 6 pieces and maybe we can thrown in a few more parts / split the cost.

(he can also do metal parts) Just thought I'd throw this out there for people interested.
